Mario Kart 64
No Matches
Installing mk64 Decomp

Build Instructions

The build system has the following package requirements:

binutils-mips >= 2.27
python3 >= 3.6

To add submodules run git submodule update --init --recursive after cloning.

Run make assets to extract assets.



sudo apt install cmake build-essential pkg-config git binutils-mips-linux-gnu python3 zlib1g-dev libaudiofile-dev libcapstone-dev


sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake pkg-config git python3 zlib-devel audiofile-devel capstone

and install gcc toolchain of libdragon and add export PATH="/opt/libdragon/bin:$PATH" to ~/.bashrc


sudo pacman -S base-devel capstone python

Install the following AUR package:

Review the n64decomp/sm64 readme for instructions to compile in other distributions.


  • Clone the repo or download the zip.
  • Download and extract the toolchain from here


  • Place the mingw64 folder from the toolchain into the tools folder like so: mk64/tools/mingw64.
  • Open a terminal (cmd or powershell) in the repo folder and run "tools\mingw64\w64devkit.exe" and after make assets && make -j
  • Wait for the build to finish and Enjoy!


Install Homebrew, then install the following dependencies:

brew update
brew install python3 capstone coreutils make pkg-config tehzz/n64-dev/mips64-elf-binutils

Build using gmake ensuring homebrew make is used instead of the old macOS system make.


Build the Docker image:

docker build -t mk64 .

When building and using other tools, append the following in front of every command you run:

docker run --rm -v .:/mk64 mk64

For example:

docker run --rm -v .:/mk64 mk64 make

Building US

Place a US version of Mario Kart 64 called into the project folder for asset extraction.

Run the following commands after pulling:

make -j

Building EU

Building EU requires US to be built first. See above.

mk64 decomp supports two EU versions

  • EU 1.0 eu-1.0
  • EU 1.1 eu-final

Build using

make -j VERSION=eu-1.0


make -j VERSION=eu-final

First-diff/diff commands for EU

python3 --eu
./diff <function> -eu