Mario Kart 64
No Matches

Technical Definitions

  • Jump/Branch/Function - Tells the cpu to execute instructions somewhere else and come back here when done.
  • Hexadecimal - A numbering system. Similar numbering sytems include decimal (also called base-ten) and roman numerals.
    • Easy method for programmers and computers to understand each other which groups/separates bytes of information in a readable format.
    • Representing computer numbers as decimal results in an unreadable mess.
  • s32/word/int - A max size for a number. Data represented as 32 bits or 4 bytes: 0x00000001. It consists of eight digits.
  • s16/half-word/short - A number represented as 16 bits or 2 bytes: 0x0001. It consists of four digits. Maximum value 65,535 (0xFFFF).
  • s8/byte/char - A number represented as 8 bits or 1 byte: 0x01. It consists of two digits. Maximum value 255 (0xFF).
  • unsigned - A positive integer. 0, 1 to maximum value.
  • signed - A positive or negative integer. 0, -1 to -max, 1 to max.
    • Max value slightly lower than unsigned due to a bit being used to set whether negative or positive.
    • Google "Two's complement" for an indepth technical explanation.
  • f32/float - A positive or negative value containing a decimals such as 5.0f or 5.1f or 5.148282f
  • f64/double - A positive or negative value of high-precision. Ex. 5.5784298538832 (many decimals).

Racing Terminology

  • Light Tree - The tree of lights that Lakitu carries; red, orange, green, etc. Tells the racers when to start racing.
    • Called a Christmas tree in drag racing.
  • Staging - Align the racecars with the starting line.
  • Start Sequence - The light tree activates, going from red to orange to green (Colours and number of lights may differ between different types of races).