Mario Kart 64
No Matches
Surface Types

Surfaces produce effects, driven on sounds, and other behaviour. Note that surface type is not generally used for out of bounds behaviour. As such, out of bounds areas may use any combination of surface types or flags.

extract from SURFACE_TYPE

id Name Desc Courses
1 Solid Pavement, tunnel walls/floor Koopa Troopa Beach, Rainbow Road
2 Dirt Several courses, edge of water Royal Raceway
3 Sand Dirt track and oob beach sand Koopa Troopa Beach
4 Cement
5 Snow Ice cave interior Frappe Snowland, Sherbet Land
6 Bridge Bridges and guardrails, castle bridge Royal Raceway
7 Dirt Off-road
8 Grass
9 Ice Sherbet Land
10 Wet Sand Koopa Troopa Beach
11 Snow Off-road
12 Rock Walls Also used for choco walls Choco Mountain
13 Dirt Off-road Kalimari Desert
14 Track Ballast The dirt used in railways Kalimari Desert
15 Cave Cave interior Jungle Parkway
16 Rope Bridge Rickety Jungle Parkway
17 Wood Bridge Solid wood
252 Boost Ramp Locks speed to ~60km/h Jungle Parkway
253 Out of Bounds Lakitu activates on touch Jungle Parkway
254 Gravity Ramp Boost ramp that locks speed with reduced gravity Royal Raceway
255 Walls/Ramps Walls and ramps Koopa Troopa Beach