Mario Kart 64
No Matches
render_objects.h File Reference
#include <common_structs.h>
#include "main.h"
Include dependency graph for render_objects.h:
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void func_80045738 (u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80057114 (s32)
void func_800431B0 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Vtx *)
void func_80043220 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_80043328 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_80043288 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_80043390 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_800433F8 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_80043460 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_80043500 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_800435A0 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *, s32)
void func_80043668 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Gfx *)
void func_800436D0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, Vtx *)
void func_80043764 (s32, s32, u16, f32, Vtx *)
void func_800437F8 (s32, s32, u16, f32, Vtx *, s32)
void func_800438C4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, Vtx *, s32)
void func_8004398C (s32, s32, u16, f32, Vtx *, s32)
s32 func_80043A54 (s32)
void load_texture_block_rgba32_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_tile_rgba32_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_block_rgba16_mirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_block_rgba16_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void load_texture_tile_rgba16_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_block_ia16_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_tile_ia16_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_block_ia8_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_tile_ia8_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void load_texture_block_i8_nomirror (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80044AB8 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80044BF8 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void rsp_load_texture (u8 *, s32, s32)
void rsp_load_texture_mask (u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80045614 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80045B2C (Vtx *)
void func_80045B74 (Vtx *)
void func_80045BBC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Vtx *)
void func_80045C48 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, Vtx *)
void func_80045D0C (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80045E10 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80045F18 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800461A4 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800462A8 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800463B0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046424 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800464D0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046544 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800465B8 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046634 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800466B0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32)
void func_80046720 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046794 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046808 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046874 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800468E0 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046954 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046A00 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32)
void func_80046A68 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80046AD4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046B38 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046B9C (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046BEC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80046C3C (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80046C78 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046CDC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046D40 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046D90 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *)
void func_80046DF4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *)
void load_texture_and_tlut (u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80046F60 (u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047068 (u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void draw_rectangle_texture_overlap (u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004747C (u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004768C (u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004788C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047910 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047994 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047A18 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047A9C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047B20 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047B9C (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047C28 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047CB4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047D40 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047DCC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047E48 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047EC4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047F40 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80047FBC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048038 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void draw_2d_texture_at (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048130 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800481B4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048228 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800482AC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048330 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800483B4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048438 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800484BC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80048540 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800485C4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800486B0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048718 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048780 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_800487DC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048844 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_800488AC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048914 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004897C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_800489E4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048A4C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048AB4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048B24 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048B94 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048BE8 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048C3C (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048C90 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048CEC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048D48 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048DA4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048E00 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048E68 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048ED0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048F38 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_80048F8C (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80044924 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80044DA0 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80049130 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800492D4 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049478 (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800497CC (u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049B20 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049B9C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049C18 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049C94 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049D10 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049D8C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049E08 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049E98 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049F28 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80049FB8 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A034 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A0B0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A12C (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A1BC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A258 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A2F4 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A384 (s32, s32, u16, f32, s32, s32, s32, s32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A414 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A488 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A4FC (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A570 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004A5E4 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004A630 (Collision *, Vec3f, f32)
void func_8004A6EC (s32, f32)
void func_8004A7AC (s32, f32)
void func_8004A870 (s32, f32)
void func_8004A9B8 (f32)
void func_8004AA10 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004AAA0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AB00 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AB60 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004ABC0 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AC20 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AC80 (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004ACE0 (Vec3f, Vec3su, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AD2C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AD8C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004ADEC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AE4C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AEAC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AF0C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AF6C (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004AFCC (s32, s32, u16, f32, u8 *, Vtx *)
void func_8004B02C (void)
void func_8004B05C (u8 *)
void func_8004B138 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B180 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void set_color_render (s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B254 (s32, s32, s32)
void set_transparency (s32)
void func_8004B310 (s32)
void func_8004B35C (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B3C8 (s32)
void func_8004B414 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B480 (s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B4E8 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B554 (s32)
void func_8004B5A8 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B614 (s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B6C4 (s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004B72C (s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void render_texture_rectangle_wrap (s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004BB34 (void)
void func_8004BB3C (s32, s32, s32, s32, f32)
void func_8004BD14 (s32, s32, u32, u32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004C6FC (s16, s16, u8 *, u32, u32)
void func_8004C024 (s16, s16, s16, u16, u16, u16, u16)
void func_8004C148 (s16, s16, s16, u16, u16, u16, u16)
void func_8004C354 (void)
void func_8004C35C (void)
void draw_hud_2d_texture (s32, s32, u32, u32, u8 *)
void func_8004C450 (s32, s32, u32, u32, u8 *)
void func_8004C53C (s32, s32, u32, u32, u8 *)
void func_8004C628 (s32, s32, u32, u32, u8 *)
void render_game_logo (s16, s16)
void func_8004C91C (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004C9D8 (s32, s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004CA58 (s32, s32, f32, u8 *, s32, s32)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_8x8 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_8x16 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_16x16 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x8 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x16 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CBC0 (s32, s32, f32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x32 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CC24 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void draw_hud_2d_texture_40x32 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CC84 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CCB4 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CCE4 (s32, s32, f32, u8 *)
void func_8004CD18 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004CF9C (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004CFF0 (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_800552BC (s32)
void func_800450C8 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_80044F34 (u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_8004D044 (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004D0CC (void)
void func_8004D0D4 (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004D210 (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004D37C (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004D4E8 (s32, s32, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004DC34 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DC6C (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DCA4 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DCDC (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DD0C (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DD44 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DD74 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DDAC (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DDDC (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DE04 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DE2C (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DE54 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DE84 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DEB4 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DEEC (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004DF24 (s32, s32, u8 *)
void func_8004F6D0 (s32)
void func_8004E238 (void)
void func_8004E240 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004E2B8 (s32, s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004E338 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32)
void func_8004E3B8 (void)
void func_8004E3C0 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004E3F4 (s32, s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004E430 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E464 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E498 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E4CC (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E500 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E534 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E568 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E59C (s32, s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E5D8 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void func_8004E604 (s32, s32, u8 *, u8 *)
void draw_item_window (s32)
void func_8004E6C4 (s32)
void draw_simplified_lap_count (s32)
void func_8004E800 (s32)
void func_8004E998 (s32)
void func_8004EB30 (s32)
void func_8004EB38 (s32)
void func_8004ED40 (s32)
void func_8004EE54 (s32)
void func_8004EF9C (s32)
void render_mini_map_finish_line (s32)
void draw_minimap_character (s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004F3E4 (s32)
s32 func_8004F674 (s32 *, s32)
void print_timer (s32, s32, s32)
void func_8004F950 (s32, s32, s32, s32)
void print_timer_rainbow (s32, s32, s32)
void render_hud_timer (s32)
void draw_lap_count (s16, s16, s8)
void func_8004FDB4 (f32, f32, s16, s16, s16, s32, s32, s32, s32)
void func_80050320 (void)
s32 func_80050644 (u16, s32 *, s32 *)
void func_800507D8 (u16, s32 *, s32 *)
void func_800508C0 (void)
void func_80050C68 (void)
void func_80050E34 (s32, s32)
void func_800514BC (void)
void render_object_leaf_particle (s32)
void render_object_snowflakes_particles (void)
void func_800518F8 (s32, s16, s16)
void func_800519D4 (s32, s16, s16)
void func_80051ABC (s16, s32)
void func_80051C60 (s16, s32)
void func_80051EBC (void)
void func_80051EF8 (void)
void func_80051F9C (void)
void func_80052044 (void)
void func_80052080 (void)
void func_800520C0 (s32)
void func_8005217C (s32)
void func_800523B8 (s32, s32, u32)
void render_object_boos (s32)
void render_object_bat (s32)
void render_object_trash_bin (s32)
void func_8005285C (s32)
void func_800528EC (s32)
void render_ice_block (s32)
void func_80052D70 (s32)
void func_80052E30 (s32)
void render_object_snowmans_list_2 (s32)
void render_object_snowmans_list_1 (s32)
void render_object_snowmans (s32)
void render_lakitu (s32)
void func_800534A4 (s32)
void func_800534E8 (s32)
void render_object_thwomps_model (s32)
void render_object_thwomps (s32)
void func_80053D74 (s32, s32, s32)
void render_object_grand_prix_balloons (s32)
void render_object_train_smoke_particle (s32, s32)
void render_object_trains_smoke_particles (s32)
void render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particle (s32, s32)
void render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particles (s32)
void render_object_bowser_flame_particle (s32, s32)
void render_object_bowser_flame (s32)
void func_8005477C (s32, u8, Vec3f)
void render_object_smoke_particles (s32)
void func_80054AFC (s32, Vec3f)
void func_80054BE8 (s32)
void func_80054D00 (s32, s32)
void func_80054E10 (s32)
void func_80054EB8 (s32)
void func_80054F04 (s32)
void render_object_moles (s32)
void func_80055164 (s32)
void func_80055228 (s32)
void render_object_seagulls (s32)
void draw_crabs (s32, s32)
void render_object_crabs (s32)
void func_800555BC (s32, s32)
void render_object_hedgehogs (s32)
void func_800557AC (void)
void func_800557B4 (s32, u32, u32)
void render_object_train_penguins (s32)
void func_80055AB8 (s32, s32)
void render_object_chain_chomps (s32)
void func_80055CCC (s32, s32)
void render_object_hot_air_balloon (s32)
void func_80055EF4 (s32, s32)
void func_80055F48 (s32)
void func_80055FA0 (s32, s32)
void func_80056160 (s32)
void render_object_neon (s32)
void func_800562E4 (s32, s32, s32)
void func_800563DC (s32, s32, s32)
void func_800568A0 (s32, s32)
void func_8005669C (s32, s32, s32)
void func_800569F4 (s32)
void func_80056A40 (s32, s32)
void func_80056A94 (s32)
void render_object_bomb_kart (s32)
void func_80056E24 (s32, Vec3f)
void func_80056FCC (s32)
void func_8005762C (s32 *, s32 *, s32, u32)
void func_80057330 (void)
void func_80057338 (void)
void func_800573BC (void)
void func_800573C4 (void)
void func_800573CC (void)
void func_800573D4 (void)
void func_800573DC (void)
void func_800573E4 (s32, s32, s8)
void debug_wrap_text (s32 *, s32 *)
void debug_print_string (s32 *, s32 *, char *)
void debug_print_number (s32 *, s32 *, s32, u32)
void func_80057708 (void)
void load_debug_font (void)
void func_80057778 (void)
void debug_print_str2 (s32, s32, char *)
void print_str_num (s32, s32, char *, s32)
void func_80057814 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057858 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_800578B0 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057908 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057960 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_800579B8 (s32, s32, char *)
void func_800579F8 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057A50 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057AA8 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057B14 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057B80 (s32, s32, char *, u32)
void func_80057BEC (s32, s32, char *, u32)


f32 D_801637C4
s32 D_801637E8
f32 D_801637F0
s32 D_80163814
s32 D_801655CC
u16 D_8016579E
Vec3su D_80183E80
f32 D_8018CFEC
f32 D_8018CFF4
s16 gMiniMapX
s16 gMiniMapY
u8gPortraitTextures []
Lights1 D_800E4638
Lights1 D_800E4650
Lights1 D_800E4668
Lights1 D_800E4680
Lights1 D_800E4698
u8 d_course_bowsers_castle_thwomp_tlut []

Function Documentation

◆ debug_print_number()

void debug_print_number ( s32 * x,
s32 * y,
s32 number,
u32 numDigits )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debug_print_str2()

void debug_print_str2 ( s32 xPos,
s32 yPos,
char * str )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debug_print_string()

void debug_print_string ( s32 * x,
s32 * y,
char * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debug_wrap_text()

void debug_wrap_text ( s32 * x,
s32 * y )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_2d_texture_at()

void draw_2d_texture_at ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_crabs()

void draw_crabs ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture()

void draw_hud_2d_texture ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u32 width,
u32 height,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_16x16()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_16x16 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_32x16()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x16 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_32x32()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x32 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_32x8()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_32x8 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_40x32()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_40x32 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_8x16()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_8x16 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ draw_hud_2d_texture_8x8()

void draw_hud_2d_texture_8x8 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_item_window()

void draw_item_window ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_lap_count()

void draw_lap_count ( s16 lapX,
s16 lapY,
s8 lap )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_minimap_character()

void draw_minimap_character ( s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_rectangle_texture_overlap()

void draw_rectangle_texture_overlap ( u8 * ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ draw_simplified_lap_count()

void draw_simplified_lap_count ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800431B0()

void func_800431B0 ( Vec3f pos,
Vec3su orientation,
f32 scale,
Vtx * vtx )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80043220()

void func_80043220 ( Vec3f pos,
Vec3su orientation,
f32 scale,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80043288()

void func_80043288 ( Vec3f pos,
Vec3su orientation,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80043328()

void func_80043328 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80043390()

void func_80043390 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800433F8()

void func_800433F8 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80043460()

void func_80043460 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80043500()

void func_80043500 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800435A0()

void func_800435A0 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx,
s32 arg4 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80043668()

void func_80043668 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Gfx * gfx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800436D0()

void func_800436D0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
Vtx * vtx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80043764()

void func_80043764 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
Vtx * vtx )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800437F8()

void func_800437F8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
Vtx * vtx,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800438C4()

void func_800438C4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
Vtx * vtx,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004398C()

void func_8004398C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
Vtx * vtx,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80043A54()

s32 func_80043A54 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80044924()

void func_80044924 ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80044AB8()

void func_80044AB8 ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )

◆ func_80044BF8()

void func_80044BF8 ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80044DA0()

void func_80044DA0 ( u8 * image,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80044F34()

void func_80044F34 ( u8 * image,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800450C8()

void func_800450C8 ( u8 * image,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045614()

void func_80045614 ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )

◆ func_80045738()

void func_80045738 ( u8 * image1,
u8 * image2,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045B2C()

void func_80045B2C ( Vtx * arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045B74()

void func_80045B74 ( Vtx * arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045BBC()

void func_80045BBC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Vtx * arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80045C48()

void func_80045C48 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
Vtx * arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80045D0C()

void func_80045D0C ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 width,
s32 arg3,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045E10()

void func_80045E10 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 width,
s32 arg3,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80045F18()

void func_80045F18 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 width,
s32 arg3,
s32 height,
s32 someMask )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800461A4()

void func_800461A4 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 width,
s32 arg3,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800462A8()

void func_800462A8 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 width,
s32 arg3,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800463B0()

void func_800463B0 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046424()

void func_80046424 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_800464D0()

void func_800464D0 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046544()

void func_80046544 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_800465B8()

void func_800465B8 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046634()

void func_80046634 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_800466B0()

void func_800466B0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80046720()

void func_80046720 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046794()

void func_80046794 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u16 ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046808()

void func_80046808 ( Vec3f ,
Vec3su ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046874()

void func_80046874 ( Vec3f ,
Vec3su ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_800468E0()

void func_800468E0 ( Vec3f ,
Vec3su ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046954()

void func_80046954 ( Vec3f ,
Vec3su ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046A00()

void func_80046A00 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80046A68()

void func_80046A68 ( Vec3f ,
Vec3su ,
f32 ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80046AD4()

void func_80046AD4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046B38()

void func_80046B38 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046B9C()

void func_80046B9C ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046BEC()

void func_80046BEC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046C3C()

void func_80046C3C ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046C78()

void func_80046C78 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046CDC()

void func_80046CDC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046D40()

void func_80046D40 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046D90()

void func_80046D90 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046DF4()

void func_80046DF4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80046F60()

void func_80046F60 ( u8 * tlut,
u8 * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 arg4 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047068()

void func_80047068 ( u8 * ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004747C()

void func_8004747C ( u8 * ,
u8 * ,
Vtx * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004768C()

void func_8004768C ( u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004788C()

void func_8004788C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047910()

void func_80047910 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u16 angle,
f32 size,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047994()

void func_80047994 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047A18()

void func_80047A18 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047A9C()

void func_80047A9C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047B20()

void func_80047B20 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80047B9C()

void func_80047B9C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047C28()

void func_80047C28 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80047CB4()

void func_80047CB4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047D40()

void func_80047D40 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80047DCC()

void func_80047DCC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80047E48()

void func_80047E48 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047EC4()

void func_80047EC4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80047F40()

void func_80047F40 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80047FBC()

void func_80047FBC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048038()

void func_80048038 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048130()

void func_80048130 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800481B4()

void func_800481B4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048228()

void func_80048228 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800482AC()

void func_800482AC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80048330()

void func_80048330 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800483B4()

void func_800483B4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80048438()

void func_80048438 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800484BC()

void func_800484BC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80048540()

void func_80048540 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800485C4()

void func_800485C4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9,
s32 argA )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800486B0()

void func_800486B0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048718()

void func_80048718 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048780()

void func_80048780 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800487DC()

void func_800487DC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048844()

void func_80048844 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800488AC()

void func_800488AC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048914()

void func_80048914 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004897C()

void func_8004897C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800489E4()

void func_800489E4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048A4C()

void func_80048A4C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048AB4()

void func_80048AB4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048B24()

void func_80048B24 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg7 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048B94()

void func_80048B94 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048BE8()

void func_80048BE8 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048C3C()

void func_80048C3C ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048C90()

void func_80048C90 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048CEC()

void func_80048CEC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048D48()

void func_80048D48 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048DA4()

void func_80048DA4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048E00()

void func_80048E00 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048E68()

void func_80048E68 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048ED0()

void func_80048ED0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048F38()

void func_80048F38 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80048F8C()

void func_80048F8C ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049130()

void func_80049130 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800492D4()

void func_800492D4 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049478()

void func_80049478 ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800497CC()

void func_800497CC ( u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049B20()

void func_80049B20 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049B9C()

void func_80049B9C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80049C18()

void func_80049C18 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049C94()

void func_80049C94 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049D10()

void func_80049D10 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049D8C()

void func_80049D8C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80049E08()

void func_80049E08 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80049E98()

void func_80049E98 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80049F28()

void func_80049F28 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80049FB8()

void func_80049FB8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A034()

void func_8004A034 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A0B0()

void func_8004A0B0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A12C()

void func_8004A12C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A1BC()

void func_8004A1BC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A258()

void func_8004A258 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8,
s32 arg9 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A2F4()

void func_8004A2F4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A384()

void func_8004A384 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg9,
s32 argA,
s32 argB,
s32 argC,
s32 argD )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A414()

void func_8004A414 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A488()

void func_8004A488 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A4FC()

void func_8004A4FC ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A570()

void func_8004A570 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A5E4()

void func_8004A5E4 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A630()

void func_8004A630 ( Collision * arg0,
Vec3f arg1,
f32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A6EC()

void func_8004A6EC ( s32 objectIndex,
f32 scale )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A7AC()

void func_8004A7AC ( s32 objectIndex,
f32 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A870()

void func_8004A870 ( s32 objectIndex,
f32 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004A9B8()

void func_8004A9B8 ( f32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AA10()

void func_8004AA10 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AAA0()

void func_8004AAA0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AB00()

void func_8004AB00 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AB60()

void func_8004AB60 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * arg4,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004ABC0()

void func_8004ABC0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AC20()

void func_8004AC20 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * arg4,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AC80()

void func_8004AC80 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * arg4,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004ACE0()

void func_8004ACE0 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3su arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg4 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AD2C()

void func_8004AD2C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AD8C()

void func_8004AD8C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * arg4,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004ADEC()

void func_8004ADEC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * arg4,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AE4C()

void func_8004AE4C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AEAC()

void func_8004AEAC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AF0C()

void func_8004AF0C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AF6C()

void func_8004AF6C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004AFCC()

void func_8004AFCC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u16 arg2,
f32 arg3,
u8 * texture,
Vtx * arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B02C()

void func_8004B02C ( void )

◆ func_8004B05C()

void func_8004B05C ( u8 * tlut)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B138()

void func_8004B138 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B180()

void func_8004B180 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )

◆ func_8004B254()

void func_8004B254 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue )

◆ func_8004B310()

void func_8004B310 ( s32 alpha)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B35C()

void func_8004B35C ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B3C8()

void func_8004B3C8 ( s32 alpha)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B414()

void func_8004B414 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B480()

void func_8004B480 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B4E8()

void func_8004B4E8 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )

◆ func_8004B554()

void func_8004B554 ( s32 alpha)

◆ func_8004B5A8()

void func_8004B5A8 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue,
s32 alpha )

◆ func_8004B614()

void func_8004B614 ( s32 primRed,
s32 primGreen,
s32 primBlue,
s32 envRed,
s32 envGreen,
s32 envBlue,
s32 primAlpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B6C4()

void func_8004B6C4 ( s32 red,
s32 green,
s32 blue )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004B72C()

void func_8004B72C ( s32 primRed,
s32 primGreen,
s32 primBlue,
s32 envRed,
s32 envGreen,
s32 envBlue,
s32 primAlpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004BB34()

void func_8004BB34 ( void )

◆ func_8004BB3C()

void func_8004BB3C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
f32 arg4 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004BD14()

void func_8004BD14 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u32 width,
u32 height,
s32 alpha,
u8 * texture1,
u8 * texture2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C024()

void func_8004C024 ( s16 arg0,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2,
u16 red,
u16 green,
u16 blue,
u16 alpha )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C148()

void func_8004C148 ( s16 arg0,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2,
u16 red,
u16 green,
u16 blue,
u16 alpha )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C354()

void func_8004C354 ( void )

◆ func_8004C35C()

void func_8004C35C ( void )

◆ func_8004C450()

void func_8004C450 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u32 width,
u32 height,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C53C()

void func_8004C53C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u32 arg2,
u32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C628()

void func_8004C628 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u32 arg2,
u32 arg3,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C6FC()

void func_8004C6FC ( s16 ,
s16 ,
u8 * ,
u32 ,
u32  )

◆ func_8004C91C()

void func_8004C91C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture,
s32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004C9D8()

void func_8004C9D8 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004CA58()

void func_8004CA58 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture,
s32 arg4,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CBC0()

void func_8004CBC0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CC24()

void func_8004CC24 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CC84()

void func_8004CC84 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CCB4()

void func_8004CCB4 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CCE4()

void func_8004CCE4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
f32 arg2,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CD18()

void func_8004CD18 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004CF9C()

void func_8004CF9C ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004CFF0()

void func_8004CFF0 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004D044()

void func_8004D044 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004D0CC()

void func_8004D0CC ( void )

◆ func_8004D0D4()

void func_8004D0D4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 arg4,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004D210()

void func_8004D210 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004D37C()

void func_8004D37C ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004D4E8()

void func_8004D4E8 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004DC34()

void func_8004DC34 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DC6C()

void func_8004DC6C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DCA4()

void func_8004DCA4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DCDC()

void func_8004DCDC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DD0C()

void func_8004DD0C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DD44()

void func_8004DD44 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DD74()

void func_8004DD74 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DDAC()

void func_8004DDAC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DDDC()

void func_8004DDDC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DE04()

void func_8004DE04 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DE2C()

void func_8004DE2C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DE54()

void func_8004DE54 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DE84()

void func_8004DE84 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DEB4()

void func_8004DEB4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DEEC()

void func_8004DEEC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004DF24()

void func_8004DF24 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E238()

void func_8004E238 ( void )

◆ func_8004E240()

void func_8004E240 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
s32 arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E2B8()

void func_8004E2B8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E338()

void func_8004E338 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
s32 arg4,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E3B8()

void func_8004E3B8 ( void )

◆ func_8004E3C0()

void func_8004E3C0 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004E3F4()

void func_8004E3F4 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
u8 * ,
u8 * ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8004E430()

void func_8004E430 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E464()

void func_8004E464 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E498()

void func_8004E498 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E4CC()

void func_8004E4CC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E500()

void func_8004E500 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E534()

void func_8004E534 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E568()

void func_8004E568 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E59C()

void func_8004E59C ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E5D8()

void func_8004E5D8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E604()

void func_8004E604 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E6C4()

void func_8004E6C4 ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E800()

void func_8004E800 ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004E998()

void func_8004E998 ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004EB30()

void func_8004EB30 ( s32 )

◆ func_8004EB38()

void func_8004EB38 ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004ED40()

void func_8004ED40 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004EE54()

void func_8004EE54 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004EF9C()

void func_8004EF9C ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004F3E4()

void func_8004F3E4 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004F674()

s32 func_8004F674 ( s32 * arg0,
s32 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004F6D0()

void func_8004F6D0 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004F950()

void func_8004F950 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8004FDB4()

void func_8004FDB4 ( f32 arg0,
f32 arg1,
s16 arg2,
s16 arg3,
s16 characterId,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6,
s32 arg7,
s32 arg8 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80050320()

void func_80050320 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80050644()

s32 func_80050644 ( u16 arg0,
s32 * arg1,
s32 * arg2 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800507D8()

void func_800507D8 ( u16 bombIndex,
s32 * arg1,
s32 * arg2 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800508C0()

void func_800508C0 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80050C68()

void func_80050C68 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80050E34()

void func_80050E34 ( s32 ,
s32  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800514BC()

void func_800514BC ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800518F8()

void func_800518F8 ( s32 objectIndex,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800519D4()

void func_800519D4 ( s32 objectIndex,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80051ABC()

void func_80051ABC ( s16 arg0,
s32 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80051C60()

void func_80051C60 ( s16 arg0,
s32 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80051EBC()

void func_80051EBC ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80051EF8()

void func_80051EF8 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80051F9C()

void func_80051F9C ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80052044()

void func_80052044 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80052080()

void func_80052080 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800520C0()

void func_800520C0 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8005217C()

void func_8005217C ( s32 )

◆ func_800523B8()

void func_800523B8 ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 arg1,
u32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8005285C()

void func_8005285C ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800528EC()

void func_800528EC ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80052D70()

void func_80052D70 ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80052E30()

void func_80052E30 ( s32 )

◆ func_800534A4()

void func_800534A4 ( s32 )

◆ func_800534E8()

void func_800534E8 ( s32 objectIndex)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80053D74()

void func_80053D74 ( s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_8005477C()

void func_8005477C ( s32 objectIndex,
u8 arg1,
Vec3f arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80054AFC()

void func_80054AFC ( s32 objectIndex,
Vec3f arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80054BE8()

void func_80054BE8 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80054D00()

void func_80054D00 ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80054E10()

void func_80054E10 ( s32 objectIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80054EB8()

void func_80054EB8 ( s32 )

◆ func_80054F04()

void func_80054F04 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055164()

void func_80055164 ( s32 objectIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055228()

void func_80055228 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800552BC()

void func_800552BC ( s32 objectIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800555BC()

void func_800555BC ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800557AC()

void func_800557AC ( void )

◆ func_800557B4()

void func_800557B4 ( s32 objectIndex,
u32 arg1,
u32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055AB8()

void func_80055AB8 ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055CCC()

void func_80055CCC ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055EF4()

void func_80055EF4 ( s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80055F48()

void func_80055F48 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80055FA0()

void func_80055FA0 ( s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_80056160()

void func_80056160 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800562E4()

void func_800562E4 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800563DC()

void func_800563DC ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8005669C()

void func_8005669C ( s32 ,
s32 ,
s32  )

◆ func_800568A0()

void func_800568A0 ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 playerId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800569F4()

void func_800569F4 ( s32 playerIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80056A40()

void func_80056A40 ( s32 playerIndex,
s32 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80056A94()

void func_80056A94 ( s32 playerIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80056E24()

void func_80056E24 ( s32 bombIndex,
Vec3f arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80056FCC()

void func_80056FCC ( s32 bombIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057114()

void func_80057114 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057330()

void func_80057330 ( void )

◆ func_80057338()

void func_80057338 ( void )

◆ func_800573BC()

void func_800573BC ( void )

◆ func_800573C4()

void func_800573C4 ( void )

◆ func_800573CC()

void func_800573CC ( void )

◆ func_800573D4()

void func_800573D4 ( void )

◆ func_800573DC()

void func_800573DC ( void )

◆ func_800573E4()

void func_800573E4 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
s8 str )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8005762C()

void func_8005762C ( s32 * x,
s32 * y,
s32 pathCount,
u32 numDigits )

801657B8[] does nothing? 0xFF a mask? Index zero is a null/0xFF flag. The other indexes increment 0-9 The final index (10) increments the tenth digit.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057708()

void func_80057708 ( void )

◆ func_80057778()

void func_80057778 ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057814()

void func_80057814 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057858()

void func_80057858 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800578B0()

void func_800578B0 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057908()

void func_80057908 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057960()

void func_80057960 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800579B8()

void func_800579B8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_800579F8()

void func_800579F8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057A50()

void func_80057A50 ( s32 x,
s32 y,
char * str,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80057AA8()

void func_80057AA8 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057B14()

void func_80057B14 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057B80()

void func_80057B80 ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80057BEC()

void func_80057BEC ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
u32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load_debug_font()

void load_debug_font ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_and_tlut()

void load_texture_and_tlut ( u8 * tlut,
u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_i8_nomirror()

void load_texture_block_i8_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_ia16_nomirror()

void load_texture_block_ia16_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_ia8_nomirror()

void load_texture_block_ia8_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_rgba16_mirror()

void load_texture_block_rgba16_mirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_rgba16_nomirror()

void load_texture_block_rgba16_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height,
s32 someMask )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_block_rgba32_nomirror()

void load_texture_block_rgba32_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_tile_ia16_nomirror()

void load_texture_tile_ia16_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_tile_ia8_nomirror()

void load_texture_tile_ia8_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_tile_rgba16_nomirror()

void load_texture_tile_rgba16_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_texture_tile_rgba32_nomirror()

void load_texture_tile_rgba32_nomirror ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )

◆ print_str_num()

void print_str_num ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
char * arg2,
s32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_timer()

void print_timer ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_timer_rainbow()

void print_timer_rainbow ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_game_logo()

void render_game_logo ( s16 x,
s16 y )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ render_hud_timer()

void render_hud_timer ( s32 playerId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_ice_block()

void render_ice_block ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_lakitu()

void render_lakitu ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_mini_map_finish_line()

void render_mini_map_finish_line ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_bat()

void render_object_bat ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_bomb_kart()

void render_object_bomb_kart ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_boos()

void render_object_boos ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_bowser_flame()

void render_object_bowser_flame ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_bowser_flame_particle()

void render_object_bowser_flame_particle ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_chain_chomps()

void render_object_chain_chomps ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_crabs()

void render_object_crabs ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_grand_prix_balloons()

void render_object_grand_prix_balloons ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_hedgehogs()

void render_object_hedgehogs ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_hot_air_balloon()

void render_object_hot_air_balloon ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_leaf_particle()

void render_object_leaf_particle ( s32 )

◆ render_object_moles()

void render_object_moles ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_neon()

void render_object_neon ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particle()

void render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particle ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particles()

void render_object_paddle_boat_smoke_particles ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_seagulls()

void render_object_seagulls ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_smoke_particles()

void render_object_smoke_particles ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_snowflakes_particles()

void render_object_snowflakes_particles ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_snowmans()

void render_object_snowmans ( s32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_snowmans_list_1()

void render_object_snowmans_list_1 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_snowmans_list_2()

void render_object_snowmans_list_2 ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_thwomps()

void render_object_thwomps ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_thwomps_model()

void render_object_thwomps_model ( s32 objectIndex)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_train_penguins()

void render_object_train_penguins ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_train_smoke_particle()

void render_object_train_smoke_particle ( s32 objectIndex,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_trains_smoke_particles()

void render_object_trains_smoke_particles ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_object_trash_bin()

void render_object_trash_bin ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_texture_rectangle_wrap()

void render_texture_rectangle_wrap ( s32 x,
s32 y,
s32 width,
s32 height,
s32 mode )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rsp_load_texture()

void rsp_load_texture ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rsp_load_texture_mask()

void rsp_load_texture_mask ( u8 * texture,
s32 width,
s32 height,
s32 someMask )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_color_render()

void set_color_render ( s32 primRed,
s32 primGreen,
s32 primBlue,
s32 envRed,
s32 envGreen,
s32 envBlue,
s32 primAlpha )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_transparency()

void set_transparency ( s32 alpha)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ D_800E4638

Lights1 D_800E4638

◆ D_800E4650

Lights1 D_800E4650

◆ D_800E4668

Lights1 D_800E4668

◆ D_800E4680

Lights1 D_800E4680

◆ D_800E4698

Lights1 D_800E4698

◆ D_801637C4

f32 D_801637C4

◆ D_801637E8

s32 D_801637E8

◆ D_801637F0

f32 D_801637F0

◆ D_80163814

s32 D_80163814

◆ D_801655CC

s32 D_801655CC

◆ D_8016579E

u16 D_8016579E

◆ D_80183E80

Vec3su D_80183E80

◆ D_8018CFEC

f32 D_8018CFEC

◆ D_8018CFF4

f32 D_8018CFF4

◆ D_8018D4BC

u8* D_8018D4BC

◆ D_8018D4C0

u8* D_8018D4C0

◆ d_course_bowsers_castle_thwomp_tlut

u8 d_course_bowsers_castle_thwomp_tlut[]

◆ gMiniMapX

s16 gMiniMapX

◆ gMiniMapY

s16 gMiniMapY

◆ gPortraitTextures

u8* gPortraitTextures[]