Mario Kart 64
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include <ultra64.h>
6typedef f32 Vec3f[3];
7typedef f32 Vec4f[4];
9typedef s32 Vec3iu[3];
11typedef s16 Vec3s[3];
12typedef u16 Vec3su[3];
13typedef s16 Vec4s[4];
15typedef f32 Mat3[3][3];
16typedef f32 Mat4[4][4];
18// might not be real, used by func_8002C954
19typedef struct {
20 f32 x, y, z;
21} Vec3fs;
23// This was added as a silly idea:
24// In the data to use "A, B, Z, R" instead of hex numbers.
25typedef enum { A = 0x80, B = 0x40, Z = 0x20, R = 0x10 } GhostController;
27/*** types.h ***/
29typedef struct {
31 /* 0x2 */ s16 pathPointEnd;
32 /* 0x4 */ s32 type;
33} CPUBehaviour; // size = 0x8
43struct SPTask {
44 /*0x00*/ OSTask task;
45 /*0x40*/ OSMesgQueue* msgqueue;
46 /*0x44*/ OSMesg msg;
47 /*0x48*/ enum SpTaskState state;
48}; // size = 0x4C, align = 0x8
51 OSMesgQueue* queue;
52 OSMesg msg;
62struct Controller {
65 u16 button; // HeldButton
66 u16 buttonPressed; // OnTriggered
67 u16 buttonDepressed; // OffTriggered
69 u16 stickPressed; // OffTriggered
70 u16 stickDepressed; // OnTriggered
73// Camera path struct? Or something like that. For GP race won scene?
110// end math util structs
122/*** Types.h end ***/
130// 80160ADC Banana's remaining
132typedef struct {
133 /* 0x00 */ u16 unk30;
134 /* 0x02 */ u16 unk32;
135 /* 0x04 */ u16 unk34;
136 /* 0x06 */ u16 meshIndexYX;
137 /* 0x08 */ u16 meshIndexZY;
138 // This may be an index to the tilemap?
139 /* 0x0A */ u16 meshIndexZX;
140 /* 0x0C */ Vec3f surfaceDistance; // Appears to be distance from actor to surface for zx, yx, and zy planes.
141 /* 0x18 */ Vec3f unk48;
142 /* 0x24 */ Vec3f unk54;
144 /* 0x3C */ f32 unk6C;
145} Collision;
147typedef struct {
148 /* 0x00 */ Vec3f unk_000;
149 /* 0x0C */ f32 unk_00C;
150 /* 0x10 */ u16 unk_010;
151 /* 0x12 */ u16 unk_012;
152 /* 0x14 */ f32 unk_014;
153 /* 0x18 */ f32 unk_018;
154 /* 0x1C */ s16 unk_01C;
155 /* 0x1E */ s16 unk_01E;
156 /* 0x20 */ s16 unk_020;
157 /* 0x22 */ s16 unk_022;
158 /* 0x24 */ f32 unk_024;
159 /* 0x28 */ f32 unk_028;
160 /* 0x2C */ s16 unk_02C;
161 /* 0x2E */ s16 unk_02E;
162 /* 0x30 */ s16 unk_030;
163 /* 0x32 */ s16 unk_032;
164 /* 0x34 */ s16 unk_034;
165 /* 0x36 */ s16 unk_036;
166 /* 0x38 */ s16 unk_038;
167 /* 0x3A */ s16 unk_03A;
168 /* 0x3C */ s16 unk_03C;
169 /* 0x3E */ s16 unk_03E;
170 /* 0x40 */ s16 unk_040;
171 /* 0x42 */ s16 unk_042;
172 /* 0x44 */ s16 unk_044;
173 /* 0x46 */ s16 unk_046;
174} UnkPlayerStruct258; // size = 0x48
176// This struct is almost identical to the GBI Vtx_t type,
177// except that its missing the "flag" member.
178typedef struct {
179 s16 ob[3]; /* x, y, z */
180 s16 tc[2]; /* texture coord */
181 s8 ca[4]; /* color & alpha */
182} CourseVtx;
185This struct has been copied (with only minor modifications) from
187on January 23rd, 2022
188The original author is assumed to be RenaKunisaki
190typedef struct {
191 /* 0x00 */ u16 flags;
192 // Top bytes is a collections of flags, bottom byte is of unknown purpose
193 // bit 7: 1 = only tangible if landed on, not if driven onto?
194 // very weird. game crashes sometimes when playing with this.
195 // bit 6: 1 = Lakitu can drop you here (XXX verify)
196 // bit 4: 1 = out of bounds
197 // bit 3: 1 = player tumbles upon contact (may fall right through)
198 /* 0x02 */ u16 surfaceType;
200 // For AABB bounding-box style collision. Box style collision is cheaper than checking each vtx.
201 /* 0x04 */ s16 minX; // Minimum x coordinate
202 s16 minY; // Minimum y coordinate
203 s16 minZ; // Minimum z coordinate
204 s16 maxX; // Maximum x coordinate
205 s16 maxY; // Maximum y coordinate
206 /* 0x0A */ s16 maxZ; // Maximum z coordinate
207 /* 0x10 */ Vtx* vtx1; // pointer to the 3 vertices of this poly
208 Vtx* vtx2;
209 Vtx* vtx3;
210 // Face normal. Should really be Vec3f normal
211 /* 0x1C */ f32 normalX;
212 /* 0x20 */ f32 normalY;
213 /* 0x24 */ f32 normalZ;
214 /* 0x28 */ f32 distance;
215} CollisionTriangle; // size = 0x2C
217typedef struct {
218 /* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
219 /* 0x0C */ u8 surfaceType; // Surface type that the tyre is touching.
220 /* 0x0D */ u8 surfaceFlags;
221 /* 0x0E */ u16 collisionMeshIndex; // Index into gCollisionMesh
222 // Height of tyre attached to ground. When flying it floats with the kart.
223 /* 0x10 */ f32 baseHeight;
224 // Something lighting related. 1 when in a shaded region, 2 when in a tree's shadow
225 // 3 when getting crushed by a whomp, but curiously only the front left tyre will ever have this value
226 /* 0x14 */ s32 unk_14;
227} KartTyre; // size = 0x18
229#define FRONT_LEFT 0
230#define FRONT_RIGHT 1
231#define BACK_LEFT 2
232#define BACK_RIGHT 3
235 /* 0xDB4 */ s16 unk0;
236 /* 0xDB6 */ s16 unk2;
237 /* 0xDB8 */ f32 unk4;
238 /* 0xDBC */ f32 unk8;
239 /* 0xDC0 */ f32 unkC;
240 /* 0xDC4 */ f32 unk10;
241 /* 0xDC8 */ f32 unk14;
242 /* 0xDCC */ s16 unk18;
243 /* 0xDCE */ s16 unk1A;
244 /* 0xDD0 */ s16 unk1C;
245 /* 0xDD2 */ s16 unk1E;
246 /* 0xDD4 */ s16 unk20;
249typedef struct {
250 /* 0x0000 */ u16 type; // playerType?
251 /* 0x0002 */ u16 unk_002;
252 /* 0x0004 */ s16 currentRank;
253 /* 0x0006 */ u16 unk_006;
254 /* 0x0008 */ s16 lapCount;
255 /* 0x000A */ char unk_00A[0x2];
256 /* 0x000C */ s32 soundEffects; // Bitflag.
257 /* 0x0010 */ s16 currentItemCopy; // Has no effect on what item the players has, It is just a synced copy
258 /* 0x0012 */ s16 unk_012;
259 /* 0x0014 */ Vec3f pos;
260 /* 0x0020 */ Vec3f oldPos;
261 /* 0x002C */ Vec3s rotation;
262 /* 0x0032 */ char unk_032[0x2];
263 /* 0x0034 */ Vec3f velocity;
264 /* 0x0040 */ s16 unk_040;
265 /* 0x0042 */ s16 unk_042;
266 /* 0x0044 */ s16 unk_044;
267 /* 0x0046 */ u16 unk_046;
268 /* 0x0048 */ Vec4s unk_048;
269 /* 0x0050 */ Vec4s unk_050;
270 /* 0x0058 */ f32 unk_058;
271 /* 0x005C */ f32 unk_05C;
272 /* 0x0060 */ f32 unk_060;
273 /* 0x0064 */ Vec3f unk_064;
274 /* 0x0070 */ f32 boundingBoxSize;
275 /* 0x0074 */ f32 unk_074;
276 /* 0x0078 */ s16 unk_078;
277 /* 0x007A */ s16 unk_07A;
278 /* 0x007C */ s32 unk_07C;
279 /* 0x0080 */ f32 boostPower;
280 /* 0x0084 */ f32 unk_084;
281 /* 0x0088 */ f32 unk_088;
282 /* 0x008C */ f32 unk_08C;
283 /* 0x0090 */ f32 unk_090;
284 /* 0x0094 */ f32 speed;
285 /* 0x0098 */ f32 unk_098;
286 /* 0x009C */ f32 currentSpeed;
287 /* 0x00A0 */ f32 unk_0A0;
288 /* 0x00A4 */ f32 unk_0A4;
289 /* 0x00A8 */ s16 unk_0A8;
290 /* 0x00AA */ s16 unk_0AA;
291 /* 0x00AC */ s16 unk_0AC;
292 /* 0x00AE */ s16 unk_0AE;
293 /* 0x00B0 */ s16 unk_0B0;
294 /* 0x00B2 */ s16 unk_0B2;
295 /* 0x00B4 */ u16 unk_0B4;
296 /* 0x00B6 */ u16 unk_0B6;
297 /* 0x00B8 */ f32 unk_0B8;
298 /* 0x00BC */ u32 effects;
299 /* 0x00C0 */ s16 unk_0C0;
300 /* 0x00C2 */ s16 unk_0C2;
301 /* 0x00C4 */ s16 slopeAccel;
302 /* 0x00C6 */ s16 unk_0C6;
303 /* 0x00C8 */ s16 unk_0C8;
304 /* 0x00CA */ s16 unk_0CA;
305 /* 0x00CC */ Vec4s unk_0CC;
306 /* 0x00D4 */ Vec4s unk_0D4;
307 /* 0x00DC */ s16 boostTimer;
308 /* 0x00DE */ u16 unk_0DE;
309 /* 0x00E0 */ s16 unk_0E0;
310 /* 0x00E2 */ s16 unk_0E2;
311 /* 0x00E4 */ f32 unk_0E4;
312 /* 0x00E8 */ f32 unk_0E8;
313 /* 0x00EC */ f32 kartHopVelocity;
314 /* 0x00F0 */ f32 kartHopJerk;
316 /* 0x00F8 */ u16 surfaceType;
317 /* 0x00FA */ s16 unk_0FA;
318 /* 0x00FC */ f32 kartFriction;
319 /* 0x0100 */ f32 kartGravity;
320 /* 0x0104 */ f32 unk_104;
321 /* 0x0108 */ f32 unk_108;
322 /* 0x010C */ s16 unk_10C;
323 /* 0x010E */ char unk_10E[0x2];
324 /* 0x0110 */ Collision collision;
325 /* 0x0150 */ Mat3 unk_150;
327 /* 0x0198 */ KartTyre tyres[4];
328 /* 0x01F8 */ f32 unk_1F8;
329 /* 0x01FC */ f32 unk_1FC;
330 /* 0x0200 */ u32 unk_200; // May be s32. but less casting required if u32
331 /* 0x0204 */ s16 unk_204;
332 /* 0x0206 */ s16 unk_206;
333 /* 0x0208 */ f32 unk_208;
334 /* 0x020C */ f32 unk_20C;
335 /* 0x0210 */ f32 unk_210;
336 /* 0x0214 */ f32 topSpeed;
337 /* 0x0218 */ f32 unk_218;
338 /* 0x021C */ f32 unk_21C;
339 /* 0x0220 */ s16 nearestPathPointId; // ??
340 /* 0x0222 */ s16 unk_222;
341 /* 0x0224 */ f32 size;
342 /* 0x0228 */ s16 unk_228;
343 /* 0x022A */ s16 unk_22A;
344 /* 0x022C */ f32 previousSpeed;
345 /* 0x0230 */ f32 unk_230;
346 /* 0x0234 */ s16 unk_234;
347 /* 0x0236 */ s16 unk_236;
348 /* 0x0238 */ s16 unk_238;
349 /* 0x023A */ s16 unk_23A;
350 /* 0x023C */ f32 unk_23C;
351 /* 0x0240 */ s32 unk_240;
352 /* 0x0244 */ u16 animFrameSelector[4]; // [0] Active texture group
353 /* 0x024C */ u16 animGroupSelector[4];
354 /* 0x0254 */ u16 characterId;
355 /* 0x0256 */ u16 unk_256;
356 /* 0x0258 */ UnkPlayerStruct258 unk_258[40];
357 /* 0x0D98 */ s16 unk_D98;
358 /* 0x0D9A */ s16 unk_D9A;
359 /* 0x0D9C */ f32 unk_D9C;
360 /* 0x0DA0 */ f32 unk_DA0;
361 /* 0x0DA4 */ s16 unk_DA4;
362 /* 0x0DA6 */ s16 unk_DA6;
363 /* 0x0DA8 */ f32 unk_DA8;
364 /* 0x0DAC */ f32 unk_DAC;
365 /* 0x0DB0 */ f32 unk_DB0;
366 /* 0x0DB4 */ struct UnkPlayerInner unk_DB4;
367 /* 0x0DB6 */ // s16 unk_DB6;
368 /* 0x0DB8 */ // f32 unk_DB8;
369 /* 0x0DBC */ // f32 unk_DBC;
370 /* 0x0DC0 */ // f32 unk_DC0;
371 /* 0x0DC4 */ // f32 unk_DC4;
372 /* 0x0DC8 */ // f32 unk_DC8;
373 /* 0x0DCC */ // s16 unk_DCC;
374 /* 0x0DCE */ // s16 unk_DCE;
375 /* 0x0DD0 */ // s16 unk_DD0;
376 /* 0x0DD2 */ // s16 unk_DD2;
377 /* 0x0DD4 */ // s16 unk_DD4;
378} Player; // size = 0xDD8
380typedef struct {
381 // Something related to time trial ghost data?
382 /* 0x00 */ s32 unk_00;
383 /* 0x04 */ u8 ghostDataSaved;
384 /* 0x05 */ s8 courseIndex;
385 /* 0x06 */ u8 characterId;
386 /* 0x07 */ u8 unk_07[0x3C];
387 /* 0x43 */ u8 pad_43[0x7F - 0x43];
388 /* 0x7F */ u8 checksum;
389} struct_8018EE10_entry; // size = 0x80
391typedef struct {
392 /* 0x00 */ u16 red;
393 /* 0x02 */ u16 green;
394 /* 0x04 */ u16 blue;
395 /* 0x06 */ u16 alpha;
396} RGBA16; // size = 0x08
398// Something related to human players
399// Also might be used for the camera during the post race screens
400typedef struct {
401 /* 0x00 */ f32 unknownScaling; // Looks to be some type of scaling, unknown use
402 /* 0x04 */ f32 rankScaling; // Scaling done on the rank text in the bottom left corner of the screen
403 // All time measurements are in centiseconds
404 /* 0x08 */ u32 someTimer; // The someTimers seem to always have the same value, the total time since race start
405 /* 0x0C */ u32 someTimer1;
406 /* 0x10 */ u32 timeLastTouchedFinishLine; // Sum of time of all completed laps
407 // Times at which each lap was completed
408 union {
409 struct {
413 };
414 u32 lapCompletionTimes[3];
415 };
416 // Time each lap took to complete
417 union {
418 struct {
419 /* 0x20 */ u32 lap1Duration;
420 /* 0x24 */ u32 lap2Duration;
421 /* 0x28 */ u32 lap3Duration;
422 };
423 u32 lapDurations[3];
424 };
425 // Integer parts of the player's X/Y/X coordinates
426 /* 0x2C */ s32 posXInt;
427 /* 0x30 */ s32 posYInt;
428 /* 0x34 */ s32 posZInt;
429 /* 0x38 */ s32 unk_38;
430 // Timer for how long the on screen should blink on lap completion
431 // Blinking occurs as long as this is a non-zero value.
432 // Other on screen effects may override the blinking
433 /* 0x3C */ s16 blinkTimer;
434 /* 0x3E */ s16 speedometerX;
435 /* 0x40 */ s16 speedometerY;
436 /* 0x42 */ s16 itemBoxX;
437 /* 0x44 */ s16 itemBoxY;
438 /* 0x46 */ s16 slideItemBoxX;
439 /* 0x48 */ s16 slideItemBoxY;
440 // These 2 s16's have values, but I have yet to identify any places that read them
441 /* 0x4A */ s16 unk_4A;
442 /* 0x4C */ s16 unk_4C;
443 /* 0x4E */ s16 timerX; // X coordinate of the on screen timer
444 // These 4 X coordinates are "slide" values
445 union {
446 struct {
447 /* 0x50 */ s16 lap1CompletionTimeX; // Pulls double-duty as timerAfterImage1X
448 /* 0x52 */ s16 lap2CompletionTimeX; // Pulls double-duty as timerAfterImage2X
450 };
451 /* 0x50 */ s16 lapCompletionTimeXs[3];
452 };
453 /* 0x56 */ s16 totalTimeX;
454 /* 0x58 */ s16 timerY; // Y coordinate of the on screen timer (used as Y coordinate for lap completion times in
455 // post-race screen)
456 /* 0x5A */ s16 lapX; // X coordinate of the on screen lap counter
457 // 0x5C and 0x5E seem to be relative to lapX
460 /* 0x60 */ s16 lapY; // Y coordinate of the on screen lap counter
461 /* 0x62 */ s16 rankX; // X coordinate of the on screen rank indicator
462 /* 0x64 */ s16 rankY; // Y coordinate of the on screen rank indicator
463 /* 0x66 */ s16
464 slideRankX; // Adds with the other rankX, used during post race screen to make the rank "slide" into place
465 /* 0x68 */ s16
466 slideRankY; // Adds with the other rankY, used during post race screen to make the rank "slide" into place
467 /* 0x6A */ s16 stagingPosition; // Position to take during race staging
468 // These s16's occasionally have values, but I have yet to identify any places that read them
469 // They appear to have values when in 3/4 player split screen mode, otherwise they're 0
470 /* 0x6C */ s16 unk_6C;
471 /* 0x6E */ s16 unk_6E;
472 /* 0x70 */ s8 raceCompleteBool; // Indicates if race is over?
473 /* 0x71 */ s8 lapCount; // This increases to 3 when a race is over, while alsoLapCount stays at 2
474 /* 0x72 */ s8 alsoLapCount;
475 // Related to the timer blinking on lap completion
476 // If blinkTimer is counting down:
477 // 0: Show timer
478 // 1: Hide timer
479 // 2: ? Seems to be a transition state, never lasts a long enough for blinkTimer to tick
480 /* 0x73 */ s8 blinkState;
481 /* 0x74 */ s8 unk_74;
482 /* 0x75 */ s8 unk_75;
483 /* 0x76 */ u8 itemOverride; // Something related to item generation. If non-zero, it determines the item you get
484 /* 0x77 */ s8 unk_77;
485 // 0x78 to 0x7F appear to be some type of "state" trackers for the lap and timer text during a race start
486 // When a race starts those texts (and their afterimages) slide in and "bounce" a bit. These states control the
487 // bouncing (somehow)
488 /* 0x78 */ u8 unk_78;
489 /* 0x79 */ u8 unk_79;
490 /* 0x7A */ u8 unk_7A;
491 /* 0x7B */ u8 unk_7B;
492 /* 0x7C */ u8 unk_7C;
493 /* 0x7D */ u8 unk_7D;
494 /* 0x7E */ u8 unk_7E;
495 /* 0x7F */ u8 unk_7F;
496 /* 0x80 */ u8 unk_80;
497 /* 0x81 */ u8 unk_81;
498 /* 0x82 */ s8 unk_82;
499 /* 0x83 */ s8 unk_83;
500} hud_player; // size = 0x84
502#define HUD_PLAYERS_SIZE 4
Definition common_structs.h:35
Definition common_structs.h:38
Definition common_structs.h:39
Definition common_structs.h:37
Definition common_structs.h:40
Definition common_structs.h:36
s16 Vec4s[4]
Definition common_structs.h:13
f32 Vec3f[3]
Definition common_structs.h:6
Definition common_structs.h:25
@ R
Definition common_structs.h:25
@ B
Definition common_structs.h:25
@ A
Definition common_structs.h:25
@ Z
Definition common_structs.h:25
u16 Vec3su[3]
Definition common_structs.h:12
s16 Vec3s[3]
Definition common_structs.h:11
f32 Vec4f[4]
Definition common_structs.h:7
f32 Mat4[4][4]
Definition common_structs.h:16
s32 Vec3iu[3]
Definition common_structs.h:9
f32 Mat3[3][3]
Definition common_structs.h:15
Definition common_structs.h:29
s32 type
Definition common_structs.h:32
s16 pathPointStart
Definition common_structs.h:30
s16 pathPointEnd
Definition common_structs.h:31
Definition common_structs.h:190
Vtx * vtx3
Definition common_structs.h:209
u16 surfaceType
Definition common_structs.h:198
f32 normalY
Definition common_structs.h:212
f32 normalX
Definition common_structs.h:211
Vtx * vtx1
Definition common_structs.h:207
s16 maxY
Definition common_structs.h:205
f32 normalZ
Definition common_structs.h:213
s16 minZ
Definition common_structs.h:203
u16 flags
Definition common_structs.h:191
s16 minY
Definition common_structs.h:202
Vtx * vtx2
Definition common_structs.h:208
f32 distance
Definition common_structs.h:214
s16 minX
Definition common_structs.h:201
s16 maxX
Definition common_structs.h:204
s16 maxZ
Definition common_structs.h:206
Definition common_structs.h:132
u16 unk32
Definition common_structs.h:134
Vec3f surfaceDistance
Definition common_structs.h:140
u16 meshIndexYX
Definition common_structs.h:136
u16 unk30
Definition common_structs.h:133
Vec3f orientationVector
Definition common_structs.h:143
u16 meshIndexZY
Definition common_structs.h:137
Vec3f unk54
Definition common_structs.h:142
f32 unk6C
Definition common_structs.h:144
u16 unk34
Definition common_structs.h:135
u16 meshIndexZX
Definition common_structs.h:139
Vec3f unk48
Definition common_structs.h:141
Definition common_structs.h:62
s16 rawStickY
Definition common_structs.h:64
u16 stickDepressed
Definition common_structs.h:70
u16 stickDirection
Definition common_structs.h:68
s16 rawStickX
Definition common_structs.h:63
u16 buttonPressed
Definition common_structs.h:66
u16 button
Definition common_structs.h:65
u16 stickPressed
Definition common_structs.h:69
u16 buttonDepressed
Definition common_structs.h:67
Definition common_structs.h:178
Definition common_structs.h:55
s32 unk8
Definition common_structs.h:58
s16 unk0
Definition common_structs.h:56
s32 unk4
Definition common_structs.h:57
s32 unkC
Definition common_structs.h:59
Definition common_structs.h:217
u16 collisionMeshIndex
Definition common_structs.h:221
s32 unk_14
Definition common_structs.h:226
u8 surfaceType
Definition common_structs.h:219
Vec3f pos
Definition common_structs.h:218
u8 surfaceFlags
Definition common_structs.h:220
f32 baseHeight
Definition common_structs.h:223
Definition common_structs.h:249
s16 unk_07A
Definition common_structs.h:277
f32 unk_104
Definition common_structs.h:320
f32 unk_DA0
Definition common_structs.h:360
s16 unk_042
Definition common_structs.h:265
s16 unk_D9A
Definition common_structs.h:358
s16 lapCount
Definition common_structs.h:254
f32 kartFriction
Definition common_structs.h:318
s16 unk_0C0
Definition common_structs.h:299
u16 unk_0DE
Definition common_structs.h:308
f32 kartHopAcceleration
Definition common_structs.h:315
f32 unk_210
Definition common_structs.h:335
f32 unk_098
Definition common_structs.h:285
f32 unk_D9C
Definition common_structs.h:359
f32 kartGravity
Definition common_structs.h:319
f32 size
Definition common_structs.h:341
f32 currentSpeed
Definition common_structs.h:286
s16 unk_238
Definition common_structs.h:348
s16 nearestPathPointId
Definition common_structs.h:339
f32 unk_DAC
Definition common_structs.h:364
f32 speed
Definition common_structs.h:284
u16 unk_046
Definition common_structs.h:267
f32 unk_0A4
Definition common_structs.h:288
Vec3f oldPos
Definition common_structs.h:260
u16 surfaceType
Definition common_structs.h:316
Mat3 orientationMatrix
Definition common_structs.h:326
f32 previousSpeed
Definition common_structs.h:344
u16 unk_002
Definition common_structs.h:251
s16 unk_228
Definition common_structs.h:342
s16 unk_044
Definition common_structs.h:266
s32 unk_07C
Definition common_structs.h:278
u16 characterId
Definition common_structs.h:354
s16 unk_0CA
Definition common_structs.h:304
Vec4s unk_0CC
Definition common_structs.h:305
u16 unk_0B4
Definition common_structs.h:295
f32 unk_08C
Definition common_structs.h:282
s16 unk_0FA
Definition common_structs.h:317
s16 unk_078
Definition common_structs.h:276
u32 effects
Definition common_structs.h:298
f32 unk_23C
Definition common_structs.h:350
f32 unk_05C
Definition common_structs.h:271
f32 unk_DB0
Definition common_structs.h:365
Mat3 unk_150
Definition common_structs.h:325
f32 unk_0E8
Definition common_structs.h:312
f32 unk_090
Definition common_structs.h:283
Vec3s rotation
Definition common_structs.h:261
Vec4s unk_050
Definition common_structs.h:269
s16 slopeAccel
Definition common_structs.h:301
f32 boostPower
Definition common_structs.h:279
s16 unk_222
Definition common_structs.h:340
s16 unk_040
Definition common_structs.h:264
s16 unk_D98
Definition common_structs.h:357
f32 unk_20C
Definition common_structs.h:334
f32 unk_230
Definition common_structs.h:345
Collision collision
Definition common_structs.h:324
f32 boundingBoxSize
Definition common_structs.h:274
f32 unk_0A0
Definition common_structs.h:287
u16 type
Definition common_structs.h:250
f32 unk_108
Definition common_structs.h:321
f32 unk_DA8
Definition common_structs.h:363
s16 unk_0AE
Definition common_structs.h:292
f32 kartHopJerk
Definition common_structs.h:314
f32 topSpeed
Definition common_structs.h:336
f32 unk_0E4
Definition common_structs.h:311
s16 unk_0A8
Definition common_structs.h:289
s16 unk_234
Definition common_structs.h:346
Vec3f velocity
Definition common_structs.h:263
f32 kartHopVelocity
Definition common_structs.h:313
Vec4s unk_0D4
Definition common_structs.h:306
s16 unk_DA4
Definition common_structs.h:361
s32 unk_240
Definition common_structs.h:351
s16 unk_23A
Definition common_structs.h:349
u16 unk_0B6
Definition common_structs.h:296
Vec3f unk_064
Definition common_structs.h:273
Vec4s unk_048
Definition common_structs.h:268
s16 unk_0C2
Definition common_structs.h:300
u16 unk_256
Definition common_structs.h:355
f32 unk_084
Definition common_structs.h:280
f32 unk_1FC
Definition common_structs.h:329
s16 unk_DA6
Definition common_structs.h:362
s16 boostTimer
Definition common_structs.h:307
s16 currentItemCopy
Definition common_structs.h:257
s16 unk_0E2
Definition common_structs.h:310
u16 unk_006
Definition common_structs.h:253
s16 unk_0B0
Definition common_structs.h:293
s16 unk_0C8
Definition common_structs.h:303
s16 unk_0B2
Definition common_structs.h:294
s16 unk_204
Definition common_structs.h:331
s16 unk_236
Definition common_structs.h:347
f32 unk_088
Definition common_structs.h:281
s16 unk_206
Definition common_structs.h:332
f32 unk_060
Definition common_structs.h:272
s32 soundEffects
Definition common_structs.h:256
f32 unk_218
Definition common_structs.h:337
f32 unk_208
Definition common_structs.h:333
f32 unk_058
Definition common_structs.h:270
s16 unk_0E0
Definition common_structs.h:309
s16 unk_012
Definition common_structs.h:258
f32 unk_0B8
Definition common_structs.h:297
s16 unk_0C6
Definition common_structs.h:302
u32 unk_200
Definition common_structs.h:330
f32 unk_1F8
Definition common_structs.h:328
s16 currentRank
Definition common_structs.h:252
s16 unk_0AC
Definition common_structs.h:291
s16 unk_22A
Definition common_structs.h:343
f32 unk_074
Definition common_structs.h:275
s16 unk_10C
Definition common_structs.h:322
f32 unk_21C
Definition common_structs.h:338
s16 unk_0AA
Definition common_structs.h:290
Vec3f pos
Definition common_structs.h:259
Definition common_structs.h:391
u16 alpha
Definition common_structs.h:395
u16 red
Definition common_structs.h:392
u16 blue
Definition common_structs.h:394
u16 green
Definition common_structs.h:393
Definition common_structs.h:43
enum SpTaskState state
Definition common_structs.h:47
OSMesg msg
Definition common_structs.h:46
OSMesgQueue * msgqueue
Definition common_structs.h:45
OSTask task
Definition common_structs.h:44
Definition common_structs.h:124
s8 stickX
Definition common_structs.h:128
s8 frameDuration
Definition common_structs.h:126
u8 button
Definition common_structs.h:125
s8 stickY
Definition common_structs.h:127
Definition common_structs.h:234
s16 unk1C
Definition common_structs.h:244
f32 unkC
Definition common_structs.h:239
f32 unk10
Definition common_structs.h:240
s16 unk0
Definition common_structs.h:235
s16 unk2
Definition common_structs.h:236
f32 unk4
Definition common_structs.h:237
f32 unk14
Definition common_structs.h:241
s16 unk20
Definition common_structs.h:246
f32 unk8
Definition common_structs.h:238
s16 unk1E
Definition common_structs.h:245
s16 unk1A
Definition common_structs.h:243
s16 unk18
Definition common_structs.h:242
Definition common_structs.h:147
s16 unk_040
Definition common_structs.h:170
s16 unk_036
Definition common_structs.h:165
s16 unk_032
Definition common_structs.h:163
s16 unk_02E
Definition common_structs.h:161
u16 unk_010
Definition common_structs.h:150
s16 unk_020
Definition common_structs.h:156
f32 unk_00C
Definition common_structs.h:149
s16 unk_030
Definition common_structs.h:162
s16 unk_034
Definition common_structs.h:164
s16 unk_038
Definition common_structs.h:166
Vec3f unk_000
Definition common_structs.h:148
s16 unk_03A
Definition common_structs.h:167
s16 unk_03C
Definition common_structs.h:168
s16 unk_02C
Definition common_structs.h:160
s16 unk_01E
Definition common_structs.h:155
s16 unk_042
Definition common_structs.h:171
f32 unk_024
Definition common_structs.h:158
f32 unk_018
Definition common_structs.h:153
s16 unk_044
Definition common_structs.h:172
s16 unk_046
Definition common_structs.h:173
f32 unk_028
Definition common_structs.h:159
s16 unk_03E
Definition common_structs.h:169
s16 unk_022
Definition common_structs.h:157
s16 unk_01C
Definition common_structs.h:154
u16 unk_012
Definition common_structs.h:151
f32 unk_014
Definition common_structs.h:152
Definition common_structs.h:90
u32 unk14
Definition common_structs.h:96
u32 unk20
Definition common_structs.h:99
u32 unk1C
Definition common_structs.h:98
u32 unk10
Definition common_structs.h:95
u16 unk26
Definition common_structs.h:101
u32 unk8
Definition common_structs.h:93
u32 unk4
Definition common_structs.h:92
u32 unk0
Definition common_structs.h:91
u32 unk18
Definition common_structs.h:97
u32 unkC
Definition common_structs.h:94
u16 unk24
Definition common_structs.h:100
Definition common_structs.h:112
s32 * D_800ED600
Definition common_structs.h:113
s32 * D_800ED638
Definition common_structs.h:120
s32 * D_800ED628
Definition common_structs.h:118
s32 * D_800ED618
Definition common_structs.h:116
s32 * D_800ED620
Definition common_structs.h:117
s32 * D_800ED610
Definition common_structs.h:115
s32 * D_800ED608
Definition common_structs.h:114
s32 * D_800ED630
Definition common_structs.h:119
Definition common_structs.h:74
f32 unk28
Definition common_structs.h:83
f32 unk34
Definition common_structs.h:86
f32 unk14
Definition common_structs.h:78
s32 unk18
Definition common_structs.h:79
f32 unk2C
Definition common_structs.h:84
s32 unk38
Definition common_structs.h:87
f32 unk24
Definition common_structs.h:82
f32 unk30
Definition common_structs.h:85
f32 unk20
Definition common_structs.h:81
f32 unk10
Definition common_structs.h:77
Vec3f unk0
Definition common_structs.h:75
s32 unk1C
Definition common_structs.h:80
f32 unkC
Definition common_structs.h:76
Definition common_structs.h:104
f32 unk8
Definition common_structs.h:107
f32 unk0
Definition common_structs.h:105
f32 unk4
Definition common_structs.h:106
f32 unkC
Definition common_structs.h:108
Definition common_structs.h:50
OSMesg msg
Definition common_structs.h:52
OSMesgQueue * queue
Definition common_structs.h:51
Definition common_structs.h:19
f32 x
Definition common_structs.h:20
Definition common_structs.h:400
u32 lap2CompletionTime
Definition common_structs.h:411
s8 raceCompleteBool
Definition common_structs.h:472
s16 lapAfterImage1X
Definition common_structs.h:458
s32 posXInt
Definition common_structs.h:426
u8 unk_7A
Definition common_structs.h:490
s16 lap3CompletionTimeX
Definition common_structs.h:449
u32 lap1Duration
Definition common_structs.h:419
s16 slideRankX
Definition common_structs.h:464
s32 posZInt
Definition common_structs.h:428
s16 slideItemBoxX
Definition common_structs.h:438
s8 alsoLapCount
Definition common_structs.h:474
u8 unk_7D
Definition common_structs.h:493
s8 unk_74
Definition common_structs.h:481
s16 rankX
Definition common_structs.h:461
s8 unk_75
Definition common_structs.h:482
s16 timerX
Definition common_structs.h:443
u32 lap3Duration
Definition common_structs.h:421
s8 blinkState
Definition common_structs.h:480
s16 lap1CompletionTimeX
Definition common_structs.h:447
u8 unk_7B
Definition common_structs.h:491
s16 rankY
Definition common_structs.h:462
u8 unk_81
Definition common_structs.h:497
s32 unk_38
Definition common_structs.h:429
s16 slideRankY
Definition common_structs.h:466
s16 speedometerX
Definition common_structs.h:434
u32 lap1CompletionTime
Definition common_structs.h:410
f32 unknownScaling
Definition common_structs.h:401
u32 lap3CompletionTime
Definition common_structs.h:412
s16 lapAfterImage2X
Definition common_structs.h:459
s16 lapX
Definition common_structs.h:456
s8 unk_77
Definition common_structs.h:484
u8 unk_7C
Definition common_structs.h:492
s16 totalTimeX
Definition common_structs.h:453
s16 lapY
Definition common_structs.h:460
s8 unk_82
Definition common_structs.h:498
u8 unk_7F
Definition common_structs.h:495
s16 slideItemBoxY
Definition common_structs.h:439
s16 timerY
Definition common_structs.h:454
s8 lapCount
Definition common_structs.h:473
u8 unk_80
Definition common_structs.h:496
u8 unk_7E
Definition common_structs.h:494
s16 unk_6C
Definition common_structs.h:470
s16 itemBoxY
Definition common_structs.h:437
s16 unk_6E
Definition common_structs.h:471
u8 itemOverride
Definition common_structs.h:483
s16 unk_4A
Definition common_structs.h:441
s32 posYInt
Definition common_structs.h:427
f32 rankScaling
Definition common_structs.h:402
u8 unk_78
Definition common_structs.h:488
s8 unk_83
Definition common_structs.h:499
s16 speedometerY
Definition common_structs.h:435
u32 someTimer
Definition common_structs.h:404
s16 blinkTimer
Definition common_structs.h:433
u8 unk_79
Definition common_structs.h:489
s16 stagingPosition
Definition common_structs.h:467
u32 timeLastTouchedFinishLine
Definition common_structs.h:406
s16 itemBoxX
Definition common_structs.h:436
s16 unk_4C
Definition common_structs.h:442
u32 someTimer1
Definition common_structs.h:405
u32 lap2Duration
Definition common_structs.h:420
s16 lap2CompletionTimeX
Definition common_structs.h:448
Definition common_structs.h:380
u8 ghostDataSaved
Definition common_structs.h:383
u8 checksum
Definition common_structs.h:388
s32 unk_00
Definition common_structs.h:382
u8 characterId
Definition common_structs.h:385
s8 courseIndex
Definition common_structs.h:384
signed int s32
Definition ultratypes.h:15
unsigned int u32
Definition ultratypes.h:16
signed char s8
Definition ultratypes.h:11
signed short int s16
Definition ultratypes.h:13
float f32
Definition ultratypes.h:34
unsigned short int u16
Definition ultratypes.h:14
unsigned char u8
Definition ultratypes.h:12