Mario Kart 64
No Matches
ceremony_and_credits.h File Reference
#include <common_structs.h>
#include "camera.h"
Include dependency graph for ceremony_and_credits.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  struct_80283431
struct  struct_80283430
struct  credits_data_1FA0
struct  CinematicCamera
struct  struct_80282C40
struct  struct_80285D80
struct  struct_80286A04
struct  CutsceneSplinePoint
struct  Cutscene


typedef void(* CameraEvent) (CinematicCamera *c)
typedef CameraEvent CutsceneShot


void init_cinematic_camera (void)
s32 func_80283648 (Camera *)
void vec3f_set_dupe (Vec3f, f32, f32, f32)
void vec3s_set_dupe (Vec3s, s16, s16, s16)
void vec3f_clear (Vec3f)
void vec3s_clear (Vec3s)
void vec3f_copy_return_dupe (Vec3f, Vec3f)
void vec3s_copy_dupe (Vec3s, Vec3s)
void func_80282040 (void)
void func_80282048 (void)
void rotate_y_vec3f (Vec3f, Vec3f, s16)
void rotate_x_vec3f (Vec3f, Vec3f, s16)
s32 f32_lerp (f32 *, f32, f32)
s32 ease_out_transition (s16 *, s16, s16)
s32 adjust_f32_value_transition (f32 *, f32, f32)
s32 adjust_s16_value_transition (s16 *, s16, s16)
void reset_spline (void)
void reset_spline_wrap (CinematicCamera *)
void calculate_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz (Vec3f, Vec3f, f32 *, s16 *, s16 *)
void apply_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz (Vec3f, Vec3f, f32, s16, s16)
void aborting_cinematic_function (Vec3f, Vec3f, Vec3f, Vec3s)
void evaluate_cubic_spline (f32, Vec3f, f32 *, f32[], f32[], f32[], f32[])
s32 move_point_along_spline (Vec3f, f32 *, struct struct_80283430[], s16 *, f32 *)
void func_80282BE4 (struct struct_80283430 *, s8, u8, s8, Vec3s, s32)
void func_80282C40 (struct struct_80283430 *, struct struct_80282C40 *, s32)
s32 move_cinematic_camera_along_spline (CinematicCamera *, struct struct_80286A04 *, struct struct_80286A04 *, s32)
void func_80282E58 (CinematicCamera *, struct struct_80282C40 *, s32)
void func_80282EAC (s32, CinematicCamera *, s16, s16, s16)
void func_80282F00 (s16 *, s16)
void func_80282F44 (s32, CinematicCamera *, Camera *)
void func_802830B4 (CinematicCamera *, s16, s16, s16)
void func_80283100 (CinematicCamera *, f32 *)
void func_80283240 (s16)
s32 cutscene_event (CameraEvent event, CinematicCamera *, s16, s16)
s32 func_80283330 (s32)
s32 func_8028336C (CinematicCamera *, Camera *)
s32 cinematic_stub (void)
void wrap_func_8028100C (CinematicCamera *)
void wrap_func_80280FFC (CinematicCamera *)
void animation_apears_sliding_borders (CinematicCamera *)
void animation_disapears_sliding_borders (CinematicCamera *)
void wrap_func_80092C80 (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_welcome (CinematicCamera *)
void wrap_func_800CA0CC (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_congratulation (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_balloon_pop (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_fish (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_fish_2 (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_shoot_trophy (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_podium (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_trophy (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283A54 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283A7C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283B6C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283BA4 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283BF0 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283C14 (CinematicCamera *)
void wrap_func_800CB134 (CinematicCamera *)
void wrap_func_800CB14C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283C78 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283CA8 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283CD0 (CinematicCamera *)
void play_sound_farewell (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283D2C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283EA0 (CinematicCamera *)
void copy_player_two_in_camera (CinematicCamera *)
void lerp_player_two_in_camera (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80283F6C (CinematicCamera *)
void copy_player_three_in_camera (CinematicCamera *)
void lerp_player_three_in_camera (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284068 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802840C8 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284154 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284184 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802841E8 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_8028422C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802842A8 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802842D8 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284308 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284418 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284494 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802844FC (CinematicCamera *)
void func_8028454C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802845EC (CinematicCamera *)
void func_8028461C (CinematicCamera *)
void func_80284648 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802846AC (void)
void func_802846B4 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802846E4 (CinematicCamera *)
void func_802847CC (CinematicCamera *)
void play_cutscene (CinematicCamera *)
void ceremony_transition_sliding_borders (void)


s32 D_80283FCC
s32 D_80283FF4
f32 D_802856B0
f32 D_802856B4
f32 gOrderedSizeSlidingBorders
f32 D_802856BC
f32 gSizeSlidingBorders
s32 D_802856C4
s32 D_802856C8 []
s16 sCutsceneShot
s16 gCutsceneShotTimer
s32 D_802876D4
s32 D_802876D8
s32 D_802876DC
CinematicCamera D_802876E0
struct struct_80283431 D_80287750 []
struct struct_80283430 D_80287818 []
struct struct_80283430 D_80287998 []
f32 sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress
s16 sCutsceneSplineSegment
s16 D_80287B1E
s8 D_80287B20
struct struct_80282C40 D_802856DC []
 Camera rail spline animation.
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285718 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285754 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285784 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_802857B4 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_802857CC []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_802857F0 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285850 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_802858B0 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_802858C8 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285910 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285928 []
 spline animation
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285940 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A10 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A4C []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A88 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285AB8 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285AE8 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B00 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B18 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B54 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B90 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285BA8 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285C38 []
struct struct_80282C40 D_80285C74 []
struct Cutscene gCutScene []
s16 D_80285D14

Typedef Documentation

◆ CameraEvent

typedef void(* CameraEvent) (CinematicCamera *c)

◆ CutsceneShot

Function Documentation

◆ aborting_cinematic_function()

void aborting_cinematic_function ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3f arg1,
Vec3f arg2,
Vec3s arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ adjust_f32_value_transition()

s32 adjust_f32_value_transition ( f32 * var,
f32 dest,
f32 speed_factor )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ adjust_s16_value_transition()

s32 adjust_s16_value_transition ( s16 * var,
s16 goal,
s16 speed_factor )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ animation_apears_sliding_borders()

void animation_apears_sliding_borders ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ animation_disapears_sliding_borders()

void animation_disapears_sliding_borders ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ apply_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz()

void apply_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz ( Vec3f vec1,
Vec3f vec2,
f32 coef,
s16 angleYToXZ,
s16 angleY )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculate_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz()

void calculate_distance_angle_y_and_angle_y_to_xz ( Vec3f vec1,
Vec3f vec2,
f32 * distance,
s16 * angleYToXZ,
s16 * angleY )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ceremony_transition_sliding_borders()

void ceremony_transition_sliding_borders ( void )

Scene transition

Sliding black borders that open horizontally to display scene. Used at the beginning of award ceremony and throughout credits.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cinematic_stub()

s32 cinematic_stub ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copy_player_three_in_camera()

void copy_player_three_in_camera ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copy_player_two_in_camera()

void copy_player_two_in_camera ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cutscene_event()

s32 cutscene_event ( CameraEvent event,
CinematicCamera * camera,
s16 start,
s16 end )

Call the event while start <= gCutsceneShotTimer <= end If end is -1, call for the rest of the shot.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ease_out_transition()

s32 ease_out_transition ( s16 * var,
s16 dest,
s16 speed_factor )

◆ evaluate_cubic_spline()

void evaluate_cubic_spline ( f32 arg0,
Vec3f point,
f32 * arg2,
f32 controlPoints1[],
f32 controlPoints2[],
f32 controlPoints3[],
f32 controlPoints4[] )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ f32_lerp()

s32 f32_lerp ( f32 * dest,
f32 src,
f32 lerp )

Target f32 at given rate. Used for targeting playerTwo and playerThree. Also targets the trophy.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282040()

void func_80282040 ( void )

◆ func_80282048()

void func_80282048 ( void )

◆ func_80282BE4()

void func_80282BE4 ( struct struct_80283430 * arg0,
s8 arg1,
u8 arg2,
s8 arg3,
Vec3s arg4,
s32 arg5 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282C40()

void func_80282C40 ( struct struct_80283430 * arg0,
struct struct_80282C40 * arg1,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282E58()

void func_80282E58 ( CinematicCamera * camera,
struct struct_80282C40 * arg1,
s32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282EAC()

void func_80282EAC ( s32 arg0,
CinematicCamera * arg1,
s16 arg2,
s16 arg3,
s16 arg4 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282F00()

void func_80282F00 ( s16 * arg0,
s16 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80282F44()

void func_80282F44 ( s32 arg0,
CinematicCamera * arg1,
Camera * camera )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_802830B4()

void func_802830B4 ( CinematicCamera * arg0,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2,
s16 arg3 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80283100()

void func_80283100 ( CinematicCamera * arg0,
f32 * arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80283240()

void func_80283240 ( s16 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80283330()

s32 func_80283330 ( s32 arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8028336C()

s32 func_8028336C ( CinematicCamera * ,
Camera *  )

◆ func_80283648()

s32 func_80283648 ( Camera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80283A54()

void func_80283A54 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283A7C()

void func_80283A7C ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283B6C()

void func_80283B6C ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283BA4()

void func_80283BA4 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283BF0()

void func_80283BF0 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283C14()

void func_80283C14 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283C78()

void func_80283C78 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283CA8()

void func_80283CA8 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283CD0()

void func_80283CD0 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ func_80283D2C()

void func_80283D2C ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80283EA0()

void func_80283EA0 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80283F6C()

void func_80283F6C ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80284068()

void func_80284068 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_802840C8()

void func_802840C8 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80284154()

void func_80284154 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80284184()

void func_80284184 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_802841E8()

void func_802841E8 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8028422C()

void func_8028422C ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802842A8()

void func_802842A8 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802842D8()

void func_802842D8 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80284308()

void func_80284308 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80284418()

void func_80284418 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80284494()

void func_80284494 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802844FC()

void func_802844FC ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_8028454C()

void func_8028454C ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802845EC()

void func_802845EC ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8028461C()

void func_8028461C ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80284648()

void func_80284648 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802846AC()

void func_802846AC ( void )

◆ func_802846B4()

void func_802846B4 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802846E4()

void func_802846E4 ( CinematicCamera * camera)
What does this even do?
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_802847CC()

void func_802847CC ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init_cinematic_camera()

void init_cinematic_camera ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lerp_player_three_in_camera()

void lerp_player_three_in_camera ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lerp_player_two_in_camera()

void lerp_player_two_in_camera ( CinematicCamera * camera)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_cinematic_camera_along_spline()

s32 move_cinematic_camera_along_spline ( CinematicCamera * camera,
struct struct_80286A04 * arg1,
struct struct_80286A04 * arg2,
s32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_point_along_spline()

s32 move_point_along_spline ( Vec3f point,
f32 * arg1,
struct struct_80283430 spline[],
s16 * splineSegment,
f32 * progress )

Computes the point that is progress percent of the way through segment splineSegment of spline, and stores the result in p. progress and splineSegment are updated if progress becomes >= 1.0.

When neither of the next two points' speeds == 0, the number of frames is between 1 and 255. Otherwise it's infinite.

To calculate the number of frames it will take to progress through a spline segment: If the next two speeds are the same and nonzero, it's 1.0 / firstSpeed.

s1 and s2 are short hand for first/secondSpeed. The progress at any frame n is defined by a recurrency relation: p(n+1) = (s2 - s1 + 1) * p(n) + s1 Which can be written as p(n) = (s2 * ((s2 - s1 + 1)^(n) - 1)) / (s2 - s1)

Solving for the number of frames: n = log(((s2 - s1) / s1) + 1) / log(s2 - s1 + 1)

1 if the point has reached the end of the spline, when progress reaches 1.0 or greater, and the 4th CutsceneSplinePoint in the current segment away from spline[splineSegment] has an index of -1.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ play_cutscene()

void play_cutscene ( CinematicCamera * camera)

Play the current cutscene until either gCutsceneShotTimer reaches the max time, or c->cutscene is set to 0

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ play_sound_balloon_pop()

void play_sound_balloon_pop ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_congratulation()

void play_sound_congratulation ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_farewell()

void play_sound_farewell ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_fish()

void play_sound_fish ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_fish_2()

void play_sound_fish_2 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_podium()

void play_sound_podium ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_shoot_trophy()

void play_sound_shoot_trophy ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_trophy()

void play_sound_trophy ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ play_sound_welcome()

void play_sound_welcome ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ reset_spline()

void reset_spline ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset_spline_wrap()

void reset_spline_wrap ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ rotate_x_vec3f()

void rotate_x_vec3f ( Vec3f dest,
Vec3f src,
s16 angle )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rotate_y_vec3f()

void rotate_y_vec3f ( Vec3f dest,
Vec3f src,
s16 angle )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vec3f_clear()

void vec3f_clear ( Vec3f arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vec3f_copy_return_dupe()

void vec3f_copy_return_dupe ( Vec3f dest,
Vec3f src )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vec3f_set_dupe()

void vec3f_set_dupe ( Vec3f dest,
f32 arg1,
f32 arg2,
f32 arg3 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vec3s_clear()

void vec3s_clear ( Vec3s arg0)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vec3s_copy_dupe()

void vec3s_copy_dupe ( Vec3s dest,
Vec3s src )

◆ vec3s_set_dupe()

void vec3s_set_dupe ( Vec3s dest,
s16 arg1,
s16 arg2,
s16 arg3 )

◆ wrap_func_80092C80()

void wrap_func_80092C80 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ wrap_func_800CA0CC()

void wrap_func_800CA0CC ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ wrap_func_800CB134()

void wrap_func_800CB134 ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ wrap_func_800CB14C()

void wrap_func_800CB14C ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ wrap_func_80280FFC()

void wrap_func_80280FFC ( CinematicCamera * )

◆ wrap_func_8028100C()

void wrap_func_8028100C ( CinematicCamera * )

Variable Documentation

◆ D_80283FCC

s32 D_80283FCC

◆ D_80283FF4

s32 D_80283FF4

◆ D_802856B0

f32 D_802856B0

◆ D_802856B4

f32 D_802856B4

◆ D_802856BC

f32 D_802856BC

◆ D_802856C4

s32 D_802856C4

◆ D_802856C8

s32 D_802856C8[]

◆ D_802856DC

struct struct_80282C40 D_802856DC[]

Camera rail spline animation.

◆ D_80285718

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285718[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285754

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285754[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285784

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285784[]

spline animation

◆ D_802857B4

struct struct_80282C40 D_802857B4[]

spline animation

◆ D_802857CC

struct struct_80282C40 D_802857CC[]

spline animation

◆ D_802857F0

struct struct_80282C40 D_802857F0[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285850

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285850[]

spline animation

◆ D_802858B0

struct struct_80282C40 D_802858B0[]

spline animation

◆ D_802858C8

struct struct_80282C40 D_802858C8[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285910

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285910[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285928

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285928[]

spline animation

◆ D_80285940

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285940[]

◆ D_80285A10

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A10[]

◆ D_80285A4C

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A4C[]

◆ D_80285A88

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285A88[]

◆ D_80285AB8

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285AB8[]

◆ D_80285AE8

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285AE8[]

◆ D_80285B00

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B00[]

◆ D_80285B18

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B18[]

◆ D_80285B54

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B54[]

◆ D_80285B90

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285B90[]

◆ D_80285BA8

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285BA8[]

◆ D_80285C38

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285C38[]

◆ D_80285C74

struct struct_80282C40 D_80285C74[]

◆ D_80285D14

s16 D_80285D14

◆ D_802876D4

s32 D_802876D4

◆ D_802876D8

s32 D_802876D8

◆ D_802876DC

s32 D_802876DC

◆ D_802876E0

CinematicCamera D_802876E0

◆ D_80287750

struct struct_80283431 D_80287750[]

◆ D_80287818

struct struct_80283430 D_80287818[]

◆ D_80287998

struct struct_80283430 D_80287998[]

◆ D_80287B1E

s16 D_80287B1E

◆ D_80287B20

s8 D_80287B20

◆ gCutScene

struct Cutscene gCutScene[]

◆ gCutsceneShotTimer

s16 gCutsceneShotTimer

◆ gOrderedSizeSlidingBorders

f32 gOrderedSizeSlidingBorders

◆ gSizeSlidingBorders

f32 gSizeSlidingBorders

◆ sCutsceneShot

s16 sCutsceneShot

◆ sCutsceneSplineSegment

s16 sCutsceneSplineSegment

◆ sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress

f32 sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress