Mario Kart 64
No Matches
Player Struct Reference

#include <common_structs.h>

Collaboration diagram for Player:

Data Fields

u16 type
u16 unk_002
s16 currentRank
u16 unk_006
s16 lapCount
char unk_00A [0x2]
s32 soundEffects
s16 currentItemCopy
s16 unk_012
Vec3f pos
Vec3f oldPos
Vec3s rotation
char unk_032 [0x2]
Vec3f velocity
s16 unk_040
s16 unk_042
s16 unk_044
u16 unk_046
Vec4s unk_048
Vec4s unk_050
f32 unk_058
f32 unk_05C
f32 unk_060
Vec3f unk_064
f32 boundingBoxSize
f32 unk_074
s16 unk_078
s16 unk_07A
s32 unk_07C
f32 boostPower
f32 unk_084
f32 unk_088
f32 unk_08C
f32 unk_090
f32 speed
f32 unk_098
f32 currentSpeed
f32 unk_0A0
f32 unk_0A4
s16 unk_0A8
s16 unk_0AA
s16 unk_0AC
s16 unk_0AE
s16 unk_0B0
s16 unk_0B2
u16 unk_0B4
u16 unk_0B6
f32 unk_0B8
u32 effects
s16 unk_0C0
s16 unk_0C2
s16 slopeAccel
s16 unk_0C6
s16 unk_0C8
s16 unk_0CA
Vec4s unk_0CC
Vec4s unk_0D4
s16 boostTimer
u16 unk_0DE
s16 unk_0E0
s16 unk_0E2
f32 unk_0E4
f32 unk_0E8
f32 kartHopVelocity
f32 kartHopJerk
f32 kartHopAcceleration
u16 surfaceType
s16 unk_0FA
f32 kartFriction
f32 kartGravity
f32 unk_104
f32 unk_108
s16 unk_10C
char unk_10E [0x2]
Collision collision
Mat3 unk_150
Mat3 orientationMatrix
KartTyre tyres [4]
f32 unk_1F8
f32 unk_1FC
u32 unk_200
s16 unk_204
s16 unk_206
f32 unk_208
f32 unk_20C
f32 unk_210
f32 topSpeed
f32 unk_218
f32 unk_21C
s16 nearestPathPointId
s16 unk_222
f32 size
s16 unk_228
s16 unk_22A
f32 previousSpeed
f32 unk_230
s16 unk_234
s16 unk_236
s16 unk_238
s16 unk_23A
f32 unk_23C
s32 unk_240
u16 animFrameSelector [4]
u16 animGroupSelector [4]
u16 characterId
u16 unk_256
UnkPlayerStruct258 unk_258 [40]
s16 unk_D98
s16 unk_D9A
f32 unk_D9C
f32 unk_DA0
s16 unk_DA4
s16 unk_DA6
f32 unk_DA8
f32 unk_DAC
f32 unk_DB0
struct UnkPlayerInner unk_DB4

Field Documentation

◆ animFrameSelector

u16 Player::animFrameSelector[4]

◆ animGroupSelector

u16 Player::animGroupSelector[4]

◆ boostPower

f32 Player::boostPower

◆ boostTimer

s16 Player::boostTimer

◆ boundingBoxSize

f32 Player::boundingBoxSize

◆ characterId

u16 Player::characterId

◆ collision

Collision Player::collision

◆ currentItemCopy

s16 Player::currentItemCopy

◆ currentRank

s16 Player::currentRank

◆ currentSpeed

f32 Player::currentSpeed

◆ effects

u32 Player::effects

◆ kartFriction

f32 Player::kartFriction

◆ kartGravity

f32 Player::kartGravity

◆ kartHopAcceleration

f32 Player::kartHopAcceleration

◆ kartHopJerk

f32 Player::kartHopJerk

◆ kartHopVelocity

f32 Player::kartHopVelocity

◆ lapCount

s16 Player::lapCount

◆ nearestPathPointId

s16 Player::nearestPathPointId

◆ oldPos

Vec3f Player::oldPos

◆ orientationMatrix

Mat3 Player::orientationMatrix

◆ pos

Vec3f Player::pos

◆ previousSpeed

f32 Player::previousSpeed

◆ rotation

Vec3s Player::rotation

◆ size

f32 Player::size

◆ slopeAccel

s16 Player::slopeAccel

◆ soundEffects

s32 Player::soundEffects

◆ speed

f32 Player::speed

◆ surfaceType

u16 Player::surfaceType

◆ topSpeed

f32 Player::topSpeed

◆ type

u16 Player::type

◆ tyres

KartTyre Player::tyres[4]

◆ unk_002

u16 Player::unk_002

◆ unk_006

u16 Player::unk_006

◆ unk_00A

char Player::unk_00A[0x2]

◆ unk_012

s16 Player::unk_012

◆ unk_032

char Player::unk_032[0x2]

◆ unk_040

s16 Player::unk_040

◆ unk_042

s16 Player::unk_042

◆ unk_044

s16 Player::unk_044

◆ unk_046

u16 Player::unk_046

◆ unk_048

Vec4s Player::unk_048

◆ unk_050

Vec4s Player::unk_050

◆ unk_058

f32 Player::unk_058

◆ unk_05C

f32 Player::unk_05C

◆ unk_060

f32 Player::unk_060

◆ unk_064

Vec3f Player::unk_064

◆ unk_074

f32 Player::unk_074

◆ unk_078

s16 Player::unk_078

◆ unk_07A

s16 Player::unk_07A

◆ unk_07C

s32 Player::unk_07C

◆ unk_084

f32 Player::unk_084

◆ unk_088

f32 Player::unk_088

◆ unk_08C

f32 Player::unk_08C

◆ unk_090

f32 Player::unk_090

◆ unk_098

f32 Player::unk_098

◆ unk_0A0

f32 Player::unk_0A0

◆ unk_0A4

f32 Player::unk_0A4

◆ unk_0A8

s16 Player::unk_0A8

◆ unk_0AA

s16 Player::unk_0AA

◆ unk_0AC

s16 Player::unk_0AC

◆ unk_0AE

s16 Player::unk_0AE

◆ unk_0B0

s16 Player::unk_0B0

◆ unk_0B2

s16 Player::unk_0B2

◆ unk_0B4

u16 Player::unk_0B4

◆ unk_0B6

u16 Player::unk_0B6

◆ unk_0B8

f32 Player::unk_0B8

◆ unk_0C0

s16 Player::unk_0C0

◆ unk_0C2

s16 Player::unk_0C2

◆ unk_0C6

s16 Player::unk_0C6

◆ unk_0C8

s16 Player::unk_0C8

◆ unk_0CA

s16 Player::unk_0CA

◆ unk_0CC

Vec4s Player::unk_0CC

◆ unk_0D4

Vec4s Player::unk_0D4

◆ unk_0DE

u16 Player::unk_0DE

◆ unk_0E0

s16 Player::unk_0E0

◆ unk_0E2

s16 Player::unk_0E2

◆ unk_0E4

f32 Player::unk_0E4

◆ unk_0E8

f32 Player::unk_0E8

◆ unk_0FA

s16 Player::unk_0FA

◆ unk_104

f32 Player::unk_104

◆ unk_108

f32 Player::unk_108

◆ unk_10C

s16 Player::unk_10C

◆ unk_10E

char Player::unk_10E[0x2]

◆ unk_150

Mat3 Player::unk_150

◆ unk_1F8

f32 Player::unk_1F8

◆ unk_1FC

f32 Player::unk_1FC

◆ unk_200

u32 Player::unk_200

◆ unk_204

s16 Player::unk_204

◆ unk_206

s16 Player::unk_206

◆ unk_208

f32 Player::unk_208

◆ unk_20C

f32 Player::unk_20C

◆ unk_210

f32 Player::unk_210

◆ unk_218

f32 Player::unk_218

◆ unk_21C

f32 Player::unk_21C

◆ unk_222

s16 Player::unk_222

◆ unk_228

s16 Player::unk_228

◆ unk_22A

s16 Player::unk_22A

◆ unk_230

f32 Player::unk_230

◆ unk_234

s16 Player::unk_234

◆ unk_236

s16 Player::unk_236

◆ unk_238

s16 Player::unk_238

◆ unk_23A

s16 Player::unk_23A

◆ unk_23C

f32 Player::unk_23C

◆ unk_240

s32 Player::unk_240

◆ unk_256

u16 Player::unk_256

◆ unk_258

UnkPlayerStruct258 Player::unk_258[40]

◆ unk_D98

s16 Player::unk_D98

◆ unk_D9A

s16 Player::unk_D9A

◆ unk_D9C

f32 Player::unk_D9C

◆ unk_DA0

f32 Player::unk_DA0

◆ unk_DA4

s16 Player::unk_DA4

◆ unk_DA6

s16 Player::unk_DA6

◆ unk_DA8

f32 Player::unk_DA8

◆ unk_DAC

f32 Player::unk_DAC

◆ unk_DB0

f32 Player::unk_DB0

◆ unk_DB4

struct UnkPlayerInner Player::unk_DB4

◆ velocity

Vec3f Player::velocity

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: