void | nullify_displaylist (uintptr_t) |
void | func_802AAAAC (Collision *) |
f32 | func_802AAB4C (Player *) |
s32 | check_collision_zx (Collision *, f32, f32, f32, f32, u16) |
s32 | check_collision_yx (Collision *, f32, f32, f32, f32, u16) |
s32 | check_collision_zy (Collision *, f32, f32, f32, f32, u16) |
s8 | get_surface_type (u16) |
s16 | get_track_section_id (u16) |
s16 | func_802ABD7C (u16) |
s16 | func_802ABDB8 (u16) |
s16 | func_802ABDF4 (u16) |
f32 | calculate_surface_height (f32, f32, f32, u16) |
f32 | func_802ABEAC (Collision *, Vec3f) |
void | shell_collision (Collision *, Vec3f) |
void | process_shell_collision (Vec3f, f32, Vec3f, f32) |
u16 | player_terrain_collision (Player *, KartTyre *, f32, f32, f32) |
void | adjust_pos_orthogonally (Vec3f, f32, Vec3f, f32) |
s32 | detect_tyre_collision (KartTyre *) |
u16 | actor_terrain_collision (Collision *, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
u16 | check_bounding_collision (Collision *, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
f32 | get_surface_height (f32, f32, f32) |
| Returns the height of the surface below the provided position. Used to set actors onto the course mesh. If unable to spawn actor on the surface set to -3000.0f or if outside the collision grid, spawn in the air (3000.0f).
void | set_vtx_buffer (uintptr_t, u32, u32) |
s32 | is_line_intersecting_rectangle (s16, s16, s16, s16, s16, s16, s16, s16) |
s32 | is_triangle_intersecting_bounding_box (s16, s16, s16, s16, u16) |
void | generate_collision_grid (void) |
void | generate_collision_mesh_with_defaults (Gfx *) |
void | generate_collision_mesh_with_default_section_id (Gfx *, s8) |
void | generate_collision_mesh (Gfx *, s8, u16) |
void | find_and_set_tile_size (uintptr_t, s32, s32) |
void | set_vertex_colours (uintptr_t, u32, s32, s8, u8, u8, u8) |
void | find_vtx_and_set_colours (uintptr_t, s8, u8, u8, u8) |
void | subtract_scaled_vector (Vec3f, f32, Vec3f) |