Go to the source code of this file.
◆ D_8018CC80_SIZE
#define D_8018CC80_SIZE 0x64 |
#define DELETED_OBJECT_ID -1 |
◆ gLeafParticle_SIZE
#define gLeafParticle_SIZE 0x40 |
◆ gLeafParticle_SPAWN_SIZE
#define gLeafParticle_SPAWN_SIZE 0x14 |
◆ gObjectParticle1_SIZE
#define gObjectParticle1_SIZE 128 |
◆ gObjectParticle2_SIZE
#define gObjectParticle2_SIZE 128 |
◆ gObjectParticle3_SIZE
#define gObjectParticle3_SIZE 128 |
◆ gObjectParticle4_SIZE
#define gObjectParticle4_SIZE 0x40 |
#define NULL_OBJECT_ID -1 |
#define NUM_CHAIN_CHOMPS 3 |
#define NUM_FIRE_BREATHS 4 |
#define NUM_GROUP1_MOLES 8 |
#define NUM_GROUP2_MOLES 11 |
#define NUM_GROUP3_MOLES 12 |
#define NUM_NEON_SIGNS 10 |
#define NUM_SNOWFLAKES 0x32 |
#define NUM_THWOMPS_100CC_EXTRA 11 |
#define NUM_THWOMPS_150CC 12 |
#define NUM_THWOMPS_50CC 8 |
#define NUM_YV_FLAG_POLES 4 |
indexObjectList1, indexObjectList2, indexObjectList3, and indexObjectList4 are all lists of indices in gObjectList. init_object_list_index initializes them in such a way that the indicies in each list are not adjacent. First indexObjectList1 gets an unused index, then indexObjectList2, then indexObjectList3, then indexObjectList4, and then it loops.
The objects found at the indices in each list appears to be course dependent
#define OBJECT_LIST_SIZE 0x226 |
#define VISIBLE 0x00040000 |
Status flags for objects.
◆ CloudData
◆ D_800E5740
◆ D_800E579C
◆ D_800E57F8
◆ D_800E5DF4
◆ D_800E6734
◆ D_80165730
◆ D_80165738
Tracking a count of some object type, don't know what object type yet.
◆ D_80165750
◆ D_80183DA0
Use unknown. An object is reserved and its index is saved to this variable, but it appears to go unreferenced
◆ D_8018C0B0
◆ D_8018CC80
List of object list indices used by the clouds and stars in some stages Also used for snowflakes like gObjectParticle1? Not sure what's up with that
◆ D_8018CF10
Unknown object index, only set for Kalimari Desert, never read.
◆ D_8018D174
Used for cycling through snowflakes in func_80078790.
◆ D_8018D17C
Also next free spot in D_8018CC80?
◆ D_8018D198
Exact use unknown, something related to the mole groups Maybe be indicating that a given mole in a given group is active?
◆ D_8018D1A8
◆ D_8018D1B8
◆ D_8018D1C8
These seem to be limits on different object types in Moo Moo Farm See init_course_objects in code_8006E9C0.c Maybe max number of active moles in a given group of moles?
◆ D_8018D1D0
◆ D_8018D1D8
◆ D_8018D1F0
Number of used spots in D_8018CC80?
◆ D_8018D1F8
Next free spot in D_8018CC80?
◆ D_8018D230
Something related to the display of the clouds/stars?
◆ D_8018D3BC
Controls number of come object type placed into gObjectParticle2 on Frappe Snowland. So, maybe snowmen/snowflakes?
◆ D_8018D3C0
Limit on some object type (ice chips?) in Sherbet Land.
◆ D_8018D3C4
Some sort of limiter on how many of some object type can spawn.
◆ gCrabSpawns
◆ gFireBreathsSpawns
Vec3s gFireBreathsSpawns[] |
extern |
◆ gHedgehogPatrolPoints
Vec3s gHedgehogPatrolPoints[] |
extern |
◆ gHedgehogSpawns
◆ gIndexLakituList
◆ gItemWindowObjectByPlayerId
s32 gItemWindowObjectByPlayerId[] |
extern |
Appears to be a list of object list indices for the Item Window part of the HUD.
◆ gLeafParticle
Seemingly a list of object list indices used for the leaves that sometimes fall trees when you bonk into them
◆ gMoleSpawns
◆ gNextFreeLeafParticle
s32 gNextFreeLeafParticle |
extern |
Next free spot in gLeafParticle? Wraps back around to 0 if it gets bigger than gLeafParticle_SIZE.
◆ gNextFreeObjectParticle1
s32 gNextFreeObjectParticle1 |
extern |
Next free spot in gObjectParticle1? Wraps back around to 0 if it gets bigger than gObjectParticle1_SIZE.
◆ gNextFreeObjectParticle2
s32 gNextFreeObjectParticle2 |
extern |
Next free spot in gObjectParticle2? Wraps back around to 0 if it gets bigger than gObjectParticle2_SIZE.
◆ gNextFreeObjectParticle3
s32 gNextFreeObjectParticle3 |
extern |
Next free spot in gObjectParticle3?
◆ gNextFreeObjectParticle4
s32 gNextFreeObjectParticle4 |
extern |
Next free spot in gObjectParticle4? Wraps back around to 0 if it gets bigger than gObjectParticle4_SIZE.
◆ gNumActiveThwomps
◆ gObjectList
◆ gObjectParticle1
List of object list indices used for: Moles in Moo Moo Farm Snow flakes in Frappe Snowland Segments of the fire breath from the statues in Bowser's Castle Potentially other things
◆ gObjectParticle2
List of object list indices used for: Bats in Banshee's Boardwalk (but only 1 player mode?)
List of object list indices used for:
- Bats in Banshee's Boardwalk (but only 1 player mode?)
- Train index 0 smoke in Kalimari Desert
- Ferry index 0 smoke in DK Jungle
◆ gObjectParticle3
List of object list indices used for:
- Train index 1 smoke in Kalimari Desert
- Ferry index 1 smoke in DK Jungle
◆ gObjectParticle4
List of object list indices. Used both for the fires in the DK Jungle cave and, seemingly for the trail that shells leave behind them. I think they're using the same texture, which would explain the dual use
◆ gSnowmanSpawns
◆ gThomwpSpawns150CC
◆ gThomwpSpawns50CC
◆ gThowmpSpawnList
◆ gThwompSpawns100CCExtra
◆ gTorchSpawns
◆ indexObjectList1
Snowmen bodies in FrappeSnowland Crabs in Koopa Troopa Beach Hot air balloon in Luigi Raceway? Neon signs in Rainbow Road? Thwomps in Bower's Castle? Penguins in Sherbet Land? Flag Poles in Yoshi Valley?
◆ indexObjectList2
Snowmen heads in Frappe Snowland Chain Chomps in RaindbowRoad? Trophy in award ceremony? Seagulls in Koopa Troopa Beach? Hedgehogs in Yoshi Valley? Spawn for big fire breath in Bowser's Castle
◆ indexObjectList3
Boos in Banshee Boardwalk Spawners for the 4 small fire breaths inside Bowser's Castle
◆ indexObjectList4
Unused list of object indices